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RP: Darknose the Searat lord

Started by DandintheWarrior, April 16, 2012, 02:51:58 AM

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Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal came-to coughing and spluttering. She blinked, confused for a seconed. "What happened?" Crystal asked, staring at Roger and proping herself up on an elbow.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"Those rats almost had you. I made just in time before you would of fallen from the weak tree branch. You fainted and so I picked you up and took you as far away from the rats"
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal stood up and looked around. She smiled then she recognized the location. "We are very close to where I live, so if you would, please follow me. Oh, and of course, thank you very, very much. I pretty much owe you my life now." Cyrstal said.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"I shall follow you, but I know Bartholomu will see us as gone but he will know why."
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal nodded and took off quite quickly with Roger following through the forest. She turned down a beaten path and came up to a small cottage surrounded by what looked like small chunks of cliff broken off a mountain. The white mousemaid smiled and said, "That was a nice quick trip. Well, here we are."
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"Wow. Wonderful." Roger said smiling. He looked around at the small cottage.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal had a rare smile in her face as she replied. "Thank you, but wait until you see the inside my cottage." Crystal walked up to the cottage and opened the door. The inside of the cottage was warm and homey. There was a fireplace to the left and two wooden chairs sat in front of it. A small oven and cabinet stood in the back. To the right was a small bed, obviously Crystal's. There were stairs leading down into darkness from the very corner of the house.
"Well, this is my home sweet home." Crystal said, walking inside and holding the door for Roger.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Roger smiled. He never been in such a beautiful cottage. Then the memory came back to him. Roger frowned and tears came to his eyes.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal turned to Roger with a confused look on her face. "What's wrong, sir? Did you stub your toe or something?"
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


"Let me tell you a story." Riger said and then began his story. "It was awhile ago. I was living the life in such a similar cottage. Darknose wasn't as powerful at the time, but hews causing havoc amongst many of us. One day, he took me and my family captive. We were his slaves to create his all powerful fort. My parents became very weak and unable to work. Darknose say this and killed them in front of my own eyes. I became very angry and escaped. Darknose tried to stop me, but I managed to cause pain in him and escape. He wears an eyepatch because I shot him in the eye with an arrow. I have lived in redwall ever since. This cottage brings back good and bad memories."
Roger was finished with his story and tears were falling down his face.
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Crystal looked away and said quietly, "Don't think me materialistic, but I have something that might make you feel better. Or at least take your thoughts away from the bad." Crystal climbed down the stairs in the corner and felt around in the dark. Her paw touched something familiar and she smiled. The white mousemaid climbed back up the stairs and held out a pair of twin daggers. Both looked to be made from gold, with hilts of silver softened with leather. In the middle of the hilt on each dagger sat a shining blue topaz gem.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Ooc: back!  ;D

Thintail was furious! He laid about his band with the hilt of his sword. "what were you thinking' lettin' em get away like that?" Ragg frowned, "that mouse maid sure was vicious chief. I dunno if I wanna get back in that abbey, if they is all like that in there then it'd be a massacre!" boneface shook his head, "they ain't, them abbey beasts are peaceful critters." Thintail smiled, "c'mon mates! On to redwall!"

Wisteria Wild Cat

OOC: Welcome back!

Shurka grabbed Thintail's sword amd spoke in a reedy voice. "Relax, friend. I can find the mousemaid's trail, if you so desire it."
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Thintail and his band had arrived at the abbey. Thintail slammed his sword's hilt against the gate with 3 of his band behind him. "let us in already! Or I'll rip these gates apart!"

While the abbey creatures were distracted boneface led Ragg and another water rat around to the back wall with a grappling hook. He tossed it up and after tugging it to make sure it was firm began to climb..


Bartholomu heard news of rats at the doors. Luckily, the long patrol was supposed to arrive tonight. Bartholomu gathered his forces. He then thought there might be a distraction so he let the Abbot with some guards to talk with the rats at front while he watched for anything suspicious to happen.

Roger looked at Crystal and smiled. He gladly took the daggers and placed them into holders around his belt. He then had an unusual feeling come to him and Crystal could see that.

The Abbot looked down at the rats and back the parchment Bartholomu gave him to speak. "What do you want? Rats! You are not welcomed here. We know your kind."
I will fight for your freedom,
I will fight for revenge.
No vermin shall enter Redwall,
For this is my will.