The fall of Redwall..... The rise of St. Ninians......

Started by AbbotAlf0805, June 01, 2012, 01:15:25 AM

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OOC: most entertaining side, and I'm waiting for Abbot's opinion on Southsward.


OOC: ya if he doesn't want it to be there then i will just have Kindle leave the RP for a little while.



OOC: if you do go to southsward, what method of travel?  Just the ship Keen works at?


OOC: calm down redwaller we already know its up to Abbotalf0805 to decide. and uh i am gonna leave Keen in the RP for now and have Kindle leave i guess (unless we can go southsward) and yes using the boat Keen works at is a good idea.

Abbotalf0805 check this out and see if you want to do it or not

semi plot: Kindle escapes and goes to southsward with Eveth. you have Martin make deal with Keen and all of the good guys follow Keen to the ship he works on and then go to southsward and try to get Kindle because she has info on how the Abbey is being built and knows other stuff also. sounds ok? tell me if you want that to happen or not, thanks :)

PS: the part where Eveth comes with Kindle is up to Psybox, he could just go with Martin's group.


OOC: that's epic! In stead of waiting and making a sign up for a sequel I'm gonna do that.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: we dont need a sequel, we can just continue it in this RP.


OOC: that's what what I ment.
BIC: Martin and Zanthar were hot on Kindle's trail and were gaining fast.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Kindle jumped into the camp grounds. "Keen!" she yelled while running full speed "you drew north and south the wrong way!!! Keen pulled out his copy of the map, he made the small change. he laughed, "Martin! come here!!" he yelled as loud as possible.


Zanthar bolted to the voice and Martin was anxious to hear the news. Then they showed up where Keen was.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Peace." said Martin, "Now do have anything to report?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



"i know where she is going... is that a good enough report?"


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



"here" he said while showing the map. "she had made a copy herself and is not heading there."