The Chase

Started by Rainshadow, October 07, 2012, 12:22:06 AM

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  There was quite a large variety of food to choose from, and Ray was hungry.  She quickly located what Amanda had pointed out to be hotroot soup, and found that it was delicious!  She took some bread and dunked it in her soup, ate it, and found a cup of strawberry cordial.  It was a good soup, but she still had to cool her mouth off afterwards.
  Amanda also had an extremely large portion of the soup, downing it in just a few gulps.  She wiped her mouth off with a napkin and grinned at Ray.  "It's good, isn't it?"
  Ray nodded and reached for some more food.
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"Save soup for me!" Marvin called, "Pass some please!"


"When's it time to eat?" Vash asked openly.
I LOVE 80's music.


  In all of the commotion that the escaped prisoner had caused, the Mask had forgotten about food.  He looked at the weasel.  "What is your name, weasel?"

  Ray passed the soup to Marvin.  "There you go, sir!"
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"Vash, sir." he replied.
I LOVE 80's music.


  The Mask nodded.  "Very well, Vash, gather up some beasts and go search for food.  I believe we passed a stream a little while ago.  There are probably fish in there."
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Marvin nodded thanks.

Leiern looked up from his deeper'n'ever turnip'n'beetroot pie, only to take a breath. What was a fox doing here? He stood up and strode over to them, a chunk of pie held in his paw, "What's the vermin doin' 'ere, wot?" He didn't have his ball and chain with him, or else he would of hit first and asked later.


  Amanda glared at Leiern.  "Don't be rude, Leiern!  This is Ray, and she's a guest here.  She was being chased by someone, and she needs supplies."
  Ray stood up and held out a paw.  She felt awkward and small next to this hare.  She was rather short for her age, and since she was only 13 seasons old, she was rather small.
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Leiern humphed in disbelief. He turned around without taking the paw and strode back to his seat, intending not to take his eyes off the fox for the rest of the meal.

Marvin waved a wing airily, "Leiern never likes vermin, it's nothing personal." He stammered to correct himself, "I-I mean he doesn't like vermin species."


  Ray sighed.  She hated the fact that she was a fox.  No one trusted her.  "It's alright, I'm used to this kind of treatment."
  Sitting down, she helped herself to more food.
  Amanda walked over to Leiern and slapped his shoulder.  "Leiern, be nice to Ray.  She's been through a lot recently, and I don't want her to feel like a burden.  I also don't want her to feel like we hate her or her kind.  Just be nice, okay?"
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"I will get to that." he said, turning and leaving.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Amanda returned to her seat beside Ray and continued eating.
  Coda walked inside and started towards the infirmary.  "Are you following, sir?"  He looked back to see if the kite was following him.  He wanted to be done with this task.  He could hear his stomach rumbling!

  The Mask looked towards his great horde and shouted out, "We will rest here for the night.  Start setting up camp!"
  He waited until a few vermin had set up a tent for him.  Stepping inside, he laid down and waited for food.  When was that weasel going to come back with food?
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Vash came back with some meat and well-made food.
I LOVE 80's music.


"Sir? You call Kyte sir? Kyte no sir!"