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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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OOC: I don't know! But he doesn't like Shade's knight character... :-\
BIC: Kash saw Crystal come into the room, and waved cheerily, "Morning sleepy head! There's honeyed potage in the kitchen if ya want some!!!"


"Good cuz I am starving!" Crystal said she went and got the porridge and sat by Kash.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Kash ate is potage silently, when he was done, he picked up a stick, and began to poke the fire with it.

Cornflower MM

When she didn't see the Knight, she looked the other way. Sure enough, therehe was! She started fololowing him.


Saygar made sure the squirrelmaid could see him. But he didn't let her get too close, but close enough. He turned a few corners, and went down one or two alleys. Always keeping her in sight.

Cornflower MM

Arya started wondering if this Knight was really drunk. He was just leading them in circles, all left turns!


Saygar then suddenly, ducked into a doorway, hidden in the shadows.

Cornflower MM

Arya inknowingly stopped near that the doorway, shaking her head in confusion. Where had he gone?!? "Nuts! Now I'll really suffer....."


Saygar grabbed her, and held his dagger to her throat, "So what's up with you following me then?" he whispered in her ear.


Crystal heard a noise out side and went to the door she peeked threw a crack and saw Saygar holding a knife to a squirrel maids throat. She looked around for something but her view was limited. She opened the door and stepped out in to full view.  "If you want me here I am!"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar's jaw dropped. "What"
He quickly pulled himself together. He let go of the squirrelmaid, and grabbed the mousmaid by the arm.


Crystal dodged the grab and nimbly climbed up the side of the building. She grabbed a pot on a window sill and threw it down at Saygares head. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar growled, and dodged the pot. In doing so, he leapt inside the house, Crystal had just come out of, he turned around, about to go back outside when, BANG!
Saygar fell unconscious to the floor. Kash stood holding a frying pan, behind him. "Why did ya have to go, and let him know you were here?"


"He was terrorizing a squirrel maid," Crystal said jumping down to the ground and began searching Saygar for his money pouch.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Arya had let a squeak when Saygar had grabbed her. She also grabbed his money pouch and stole it. When the confusion had broken out, she'd quickly hid on the roof of the house. When Saygar had been knocked out, she came down. "Thanks. I'll live a little longer because you of you. If you're looking for his money, then here you are." Arya said, tossing the mousemaid Saygar's money pouch. She turned and walked off rather slowly.