The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Leatho Shellhound

"Of course your Majesty," Said the otter knight, "may I but ask of you where I and my squire might stay for the night?"
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OOC: @Rachel25- I understand about Saygar. And I wouldn't blame him if he did turn Ox in; like I mentioned, not everyone appreciated the efforts of the Stormblades.

BIC: Oxford was about to incapacitate Saygar (or attempt to, anyway) when the cart moved, sending the otter sprawling. The cart was quite solid, and usually it took a lot of strength to get it moving, but Ox barely had time to wonder about this before another hare strode up and grabbed Saygar's paw.

"Sayar, calm down! Well look who it ain't! I haven't see yore ugly mug in a while!"

Why did this hare look so familiar? Was it- "Mack! I must say, you have excellent timing, as always. Thank you for your assistance. Allow me to introduce my beautiful friend and m'young colleague, Miz Noryl an' Miz Morwyn."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


  Merin hesitated.  She'd never been good with speaking to strangers, and now that he'd asked where he and the shrew would sleep, she felt like running away.  Thinking quickly, she said, "Er, I'm sure that Sir Saygar wouldn't mind sharing his chambers with you and your squire for one night."

  The queen desperately hoped that the often-drunk sea otter wouldn't mind accommodating these two beasts, and that she wouldn't have to leave them in the servants' quarters or anything like that.  She would feel awful if she left the eager beasts out in the cold!

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on October 05, 2013, 06:37:56 AM
Rusvul saw the gesture made by Jame. He followed closely and silently, and once they had walked a short distance, he walked up to Jame. "I need help finding someone. You game? He's a raccoon. And before you ask, I'm going to talk to him, not steal from him. Or blackmail him. Or stab him. Or cheat at gambling and take all his money. Or... Or... Or..." He went on to list lots of other crimes. "I'm not even going to poison him, like last time. I only want to talk. Okay?"

  Jame sighed grumpily but nodded.  "Fine.  Just don't get us killed, please.  Now," he continued, pacing as he tried to think up a plan, "where is this raccoon?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ivar chuckled. "Oh, he fell out of an attic a few hours ago. He could be pretty much anywhere in the city. See, that's why I needed help."


Crystal saw that her plan had worked out well or as well as could be expected. She left her hiding place and reentered the crowed. heading in the opposite direction from the cart. She was headed towards the other side of town to one of the nobles hoses. She had heard a rummer that Lord Dormain had gone on a trip to the other side of town to visit his daughter and he would not be getting back till the day after tomorrow.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Doods sniggered to himself. Things were starting to look good. As he had been walking along a hare knight had brushed passed him, and, seeing his chance, pick-pocketed him. As he strolled briskly along, he jangled the money. It was about half the amount he had stolen from that squrriel. He still hadn't forgotten the incident.

He knew exactly where he was going. The thieves den. There he could swap his coins for some grub. He needed it. Maybe if he had some left he might even approach a gambling table. Who knew? Maybe he would could come out with three times the amount of money he had brought in. Unaware that he was being followed he came to the entrance, which appeared to be a normal shop. But behind the counter there was a hatch, where normal shops would have a cellar. But not this shop. Nodding to the greasy-looking stoat behind the counter, he lifted the solid-looking slab of oak, and disappeared into one of the many tunnels.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Crystal felt funny again this time she was sure she was being fallowed. She looked behind her and she saw a slinky looking rat. She turned the corner and looked back again. He was definitely fallowing her. She tuned down an ally way and as soon as she was out of sight she ducked behind a bunch of boxes.

"Era pereth nomoreien," She whispered and stood perfectly still hardly daring to breath. The rat ran right by her and turned left, Crystal left her hiding place she went down the path to her right and started running. She took as many twists and turns as she could finally doping behind some more boxes satisfied that she had lost him. Then she heard a noise and a Raccoon passed by. He was the same one as before the one the Mouse had wanted to find, she though. She thought of letting him go and letting the Mouse solve his own problems. but then curiosity got the best of her and she began to follow at a distance. She didn't have to tell the mouse and she didn't know how to find him even if she did.         
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: The Shade on October 06, 2013, 09:42:38 PM
Mack had decided that that this strange knight was hardly going to make this offer, and then assassinate the queen, so he left them to it. Wandering down the street, he brushed against a hooded figure. Of course, at the time it seemed like nothing was out of the ordinarily, but later he would remember it. He came up the a cart, a slightly faded thing as though it had been through a lot of traveling, and inwardly sighed. Not Saygar again. That knight was always getting into trouble! He grabbed the otters thumb. In this position he could break Saygar's wrist if need be.

"Sayar, calm down!" he said. He began saying sorry to the two travelers, but on seeing the hare, he broke into a huge grin.

"Well look who it ain't! I haven't see yore ugly mug in a while!" he said cheekily.
Saygar turned in surprise and when he realized who it was began to mumble and curse under his breathe.
"Oh look here comes Sir Perfectelot! Stupid big eared rabbit, I bet he's not even a hare, the fat idiot."
When Mack and the other hare began talking Saygar tried to gently escape the hare knights grip. When it came clear it wasn't going to work, he bit Mack's paw and dived for his dagger that was still on the cobbles.   


Ivar stood outside the Thieve's Den. "Alright, Jame. Thanks for the help. You don't have to come if you don't want to. I'll try to avoid it, but I'm expecting a little scrap." He scuttled down the hatch.

As Doods was buying a drink, Ivar leaned against the counter, showing a gold coin. "No, two of those." He interrupted as the raccoon was ordering, "On me." Ivar flipped the gold coin, and slammed it down on the counter. "Hello, raccoon. You're not an easy one to follow. Although I think the gutters are unnecessary. Nobeast goes in the alleys anyway. 'Leastways, nobeast who don't want t' get mugged. 'Course, safe for the likes of you and I, we're armed, and thieves, as well."


Crystal had fallowed the raccoon down in to the thieves den. She had herd of it, What thief hadn't, but she didn't know where it was and she hadn't wanted to. The place was filled to the bursting with all sorts of bad kinds. Any one of them would be glad to pray on a vulnerable young mouse maid.  Then she saw the mouse the one from the attic. What was he doing here? she hoped he hadn't seen her. She backed up and bumped in to a tall ferret "Watch et!"

"Sorry," She muttered looking down at the floor and started to walk away.

"Don't you sorry me!" He said giving her a shove She stumbled back in to an otter who grabbed her by the arm and said "Now tell me what's a pretty lass like you doin' here with the likes of us?" 

"Let go of me!"   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Doods spun around, and eyed the mousethief. He nodded slowly. "Aye, the backstreets 'ill do yer, but I 'ain't been here fir a fair stretch, so I wanna'd to see what the ol' place wuz like. 'Ain't changed a bit!" At this he narrowed his eyes. "So, what-..." He was interupted by a disturbance from the other side of the den. A mousemaid trying to get away from a burly otter.

"Where yew followed?" he asked Ivar.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


  Jame stood outside the entrance to the den, grumbling about how idiotic his lord was.  He didn't know if he should go in there or not, his main hesitation being that it was incredibly dangerous in a place such as that.  Should he stay and protect the prince or go and save his hide?

  Suddenly, the large ears of the black hare picked up a racket coming from inside the lair.  Could that be the prince?  He muttered a curse and stepped into the darkness, wishing he had a weapon on him.  He didn't like using his magic in public, even in front of Ivar.  But now was not the time to grumble, he knew, for what if the prince had been discovered?

  Walking for a moment, Jame came upon a large otter and a mousemaid brawling.  He didn't know either of them, but he had a feeling that this could be trouble if it went on for any longer.  Looking around the room, the hare locked his eyes on a stool near to the otter.  He backed up into the shadows and willed the stool to move, watching as it slid about a foot to the left, right behind the brawlers.  Now he just prayed that the otter would step backwards.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Crystal struggled to get away she kicked him in the shin. The otter backed up and tripped on a chair causing him to let go. Crystal had been puling hard trying to get away so when he let go she had gone flying head over tail right in to a black hare.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Jame cried in alarm as the mousemaid brawler was flung on him, bowling him over.  His head struck the floor and made a loud smacking noise, pain rushing through his body.  So much for entering quietly, he thought, trying to sit up.  He rubbed the back of his head, his vision blurring slightly from pain.

  "Please get off of me," he whispered to the beast who was lying on him.  "Get off, you're crushing me."  Hopefully Ivar hadn't seen him.  That would be very embarrassing.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ivar looked over at Doods. "Huh, seems I was. No matter." He strolled over to where the otter lay on the ground. "Tut tut, mate, attacking a maid. Chivalry, and all that. Just cause you're a thief doesn't mean you shouldn't act honorably." Ivar glanced into the corner, and saw Crystal sprawled on top of Jame. This caused him to do a double take. "Hello, Jame!"

OOC: Remember, nobody knows Ivar's name. Except Jame, and maybe Doods. Ivar hasn't introduced himself yet, but if/when he does, he'll go by a different name. Jame knows enough to not call Ivar by his real name.