The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Ivar slid around a corner, and came face to face with Jarn. "Hello, squire! I wanted words with you. I don't think you understood the favor I did you. That place is the Thieve's Den. Now, you're not going to tell anybeast, because, one, you would be asked what you're doing in such a disreputable place. And two, they'd kill you. If they had found out that you're a squire, they would have killed you. They might have killed you for looking at them wrong. If you had submitted, they'd have beaten you and maybe taken your money. But standing up to me, in the Den... Well, I wouldn't have killed you. But I help them a lot, a few of those creatures look up to me, as a sort of... perfect thief. Even though I'm not. They don't take kindly to any serious threats to any of their brethren. A little brawl, some fistfights, sure. But an armored beast with a hammer? You put yourself in real danger, mate. I suggest you don't go back there. Oh, and be careful of the blacksmith. He's got a real temper. Whatever you do, don't comment on his moustache. Not even if you're complimenting it. And don't look at his left ankle. Long story. Bye!" Ivar leaped away, sprang up a wall, and was gone.


Cystal watched Fran leave. What was with the mouse! He thought he was so high and mighty! She thought. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Myrlon decided that he did not like the thieves den at all, after witnessing three brawls, a murder, and an arson (the fire of which he had put out) he finally found an assassin and bought them both a private table to discuss business "How good are you?" he asked the weasel hoping but not expecting to get an honest answer
"I'm pretty good, used to be the best darn assassin in the whole of Redwallelot, still am as a matter of fact just not as good as before"
"Do you take jobs other than assassinations?"
"Depends what it is and for what price"
"Do you know the abandoned bell tower?"
"A few weeks ago a group who have their base there stole my research notes for a new spell of mine, I have no doubt that they took them back there"
"I see, what do you want me to do?"
"I'd like you to steal back my notes and I don't care if any of the group get killed along the way"
"And how much will you be paying me?"
"Would ten gold coins do the trick?"
Arden stared hungrily at the coin purse "They most certainly would"
"Excellent, you get me back my notes and I give you ten gold coins in return"
"Deal" Arden hurried out of the den and set of for the bell tower

OOC: Rusvul and Shade check OOC, don't really want to type out a big(ish) paragraph here, mostly because I'm lazy but meh
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Leatho Shellhound

Járnsmiður nearly collided with Ivar as the mouse came infront of him. The poor shrew was all confused, Thieve's Den? Kill me, kill you, they kill who? Well no matter the mouse was gone now.

He turned back to Cystal, "Thank you again for taking me here. I know just the thing to make you." And with that he walked int the smithy.
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Ivar was bored. Utterly bored. He decided he would stand outside the Thieve's Den and follow the first person who came out. That person happened to be Arden. With a slight grin, he strode along the rooftops, epic parkour ninjing his way from one building to another.


Arden had the acute feeling that he was being watched. Ignoring the bell tower he turned down an alleyway and slipped his dagger from its sheath, hiding it beneath his cloak. With his free hand he grabbed his drinking flask and brought it to his lips, eyes darting left and right under the hood, he took a contemplative sip. This group who made their base in the bell tower sounded dangerous, perhaps they had already got wind of his mission and sent someone to kill him, he hoped not, it was one thing to murder someone in their own home at the dead of night but quite another to kill someone in an alley in broad daylight. He took another sip, still looking for the source of his unease.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Crystal blushed again. She thought of fallowing Jarn in to the shop but decided against it. The short tempered blacksmith might have some objections.  She headed down the street. She thoughtfully kicked a stone as she walked down the street. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: You all have my apologies for my idiocy, and here is a revised post.

BIC: Morwyn was ready to get a stout ash stave from the cart and begin laying about the brawlers when a black squirrel waded in and stopped the fight. The ferretmaid breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, sir."
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: KitrallStreamrippler on October 09, 2013, 12:16:26 AM
As the two beasts continued to brawl and Ox looked like he was going to step in, Morwyn decided that she had had enough of this nonsense. Reaching into the cart, she grabbed a stout ash walking stave and swung downward. It hit the ground next to Saygar's face with a loud thwack! The ferretmaid, still scowling at Saygar and Mack, dealt out a few sharp raps to exposed areas.

"Now then, are you two ready to lissen t'reason? I could report both o' ye, y'know, soon as I find out where th'Town Guard are."

OOC: two notes, one: heavy PP content in this post. Two: Did you take the time to read through all the posts? I'm standing between them, check page... 8?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: ... Sorry! I feel like such an idiot. I'm going to fix that post right away- I wasn't even thinking! Again, I am really sorry! And Danflor, thank you for pointing that out the way you did.

EDIT- Fixed it!
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Tiria Wildlough

Noryl groaned. This place wasn't very promising, what with brawling knights and all the noise that was starting to get on her nerves.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

The Shade

Mack nodded the the black squrriel in front of him. That was another thing that pricked him about the mindless fight he had just got into. It seemed like he was a bad guy too! He was glad when the squrriel dropped his arm, indicating that he did not take the hare knight as an opposing threat anymore. He was also slightly embarrassed, with his old teacher Oxford being there. So much for a nice reunion!
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Saygar carelessly pushed the sword point away and stood up. His head was feeling much better now and he felt much better for hitting somebeast.
"Well, that was fun. Should do it more often and squirrel don't go on to me about honour and beasts in bar fights having more chivalry. Cus I'm not listening."
And with that Saygar using his footpaw flicked his dagger into the air, caught it, and turned to walk away.


Extract of a hermit's journal.

J'ai finalement retrouvé la trace du bâton sacré de Cosbro le lapin, dernier des Lapimages, les premiers qui ont usé de la Magie. Ce bâton est enfoui sous les ruines de la Grande Tour Est, située sur le bord de la mer de l'est. Une fois que j'aurai ces belliqueux chercheurs de pouvoir, il me sera facile de me rapatrier le Lapiton...


The Stranger had been slipping through the dark alleys around the main roads, searching for an unusual target for a few hours now. He had passed in front of the main gates of the castle, and had seen the queen leaning over the balcony of the castle, and a knight walking around as if visiting. "Ne savent-t-ils pas," He had said to himself at the sight of them. "Ne savent-t-ils pas qu'il est dangereux de s'exposer de tel façon à être une cible facile pour un sort lancé par inadvertance?"(Don't they know that it is dangerous to expose oneself in this manner as to be an easy target for a spell cast randomly about?)
He had continued on his way, smiling devilishly at his own wiliness. He was turning a corner just now, when voices stopped him in his tracks; looking around the corner, he saw his target accosted by a mouse that strangely enough bore a resemblance to the prince. Once the mouse had gone, and he saw that the raccoon seemed to be stunned by the words of the shadowy figure, he walked around the corner and came in front of Doods. "Vous me semblez ébranlé, cette souris vous cause-t-elle des problèmes? Allons, allons, assez bavardé, nous avons beaucoup de travailles devant nous. Et c'est pour cela que je vais vous proposer ceci :
"Joignez-vous à moi, et je vous promet richesses et pouvoir, et qui sait, peut-être vous assignerez-je le rôle de capitaine des armés? Intéressez?"(You seem to be shaken, does this mouse cause you any problems? Anyway, enough talk, we have a lot of work ahead of us. And this is the reason I will propose this to you:
Join yourself to me, and I promise you riches and power, and who knows, maybe will I promote you to captain of the armies? Interested?) While he talked, he had opened a pouch full with jewels and gold, and he jingled it in front of Doods' greedy eyes. "Tous ceci seras pour vous, et encore plus si vous me suivez."(All this for you, and even more if you follow me.) Turning about, he followed the mouse who seemed to be a quite prestigious thief, motioning at the same time for Doods to follow him.

OOC: I think I got a bit varried away there.  :P


Ivar quickly got bored of following Arden, so he made his way back to the Thieve's Den. But this time it was his turn to feel as if he was being followed. He looked around him. The only creatures he had seen in the last ten minutes were a middle-aged mouse holding her baby, a burly hedgehog with a hammer and raw steel, and a strange cloaked figure. He was heading towards a group of houses, and passing a blacksmith's shop along the way, that would explain those two. The cloaked one... well, it was hard to tell. He walked another thirty feet, and, glancing behind him, saw the figure avertin his eyes. The cloaked figure was definitely following him. He spun around, hand on his swordhilt. "Who are you, why are you following me? What do you want?