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Started by Skyblade, January 01, 2015, 06:01:41 AM

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Russa Nodrey

Quote from: Dotti Lovegood on March 21, 2016, 03:06:55 AM
Behold! A sacred miracle potion that instantly cures all symptoms! *holds up a red bottle for all to see*
Quote from: Lord Ashenwyte on March 21, 2016, 04:06:24 AM
Quote from: Dotti Lovegood on March 21, 2016, 03:06:55 AM
Behold! A sacred miracle potion that instantly cures all symptoms! *Holds up a flamethrower*

Fixed that for you.
Quote from: Dotti Lovegood on March 21, 2016, 02:59:33 PM
*Glances at the flamethrower in confusion, then pours the whole potion into it and attempts to light it.*
Let's see how herbal fire can work as an effective disinfectant!


WE WANNA STORY!, tell us one or die! WE WANNA STORY, tell us one or die! Tell a story or we stab ya, tell a story or we stab ya! Tell us one or die! Tell us one or die!

Im just gonna put this here
I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Dotti Dillworthy

My reaction when I see a post with my quoted ones here:




Quote from: Delthion on April 01, 2016, 05:00:39 AM
(To Lady Amber) You make the forum a better place and you look younger than Russa. ;D

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Delthion on April 01, 2016, 05:19:19 AM
Quote from: Søren on April 01, 2016, 05:31:33 AM
Alright, so I was asking how James and Skye were doing on the Shoutbox, and I came up with one of the most brilliant ship names in history...SkyGryphon. So this isn't really based on anything but the name.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Here's my conversation with myself.
Well, that's how it appeared.

Sagetip: So...
[Today at 01:29:33] Sagetip: How y'all doin'?
[Today at 01:36:06] Sagetip: Well, okay.
[Today at 01:36:10] Sagetip: That's good.
[Today at 01:36:29] Sagetip: I'm doin' jus' fine, Sage.
[Today at 01:36:33] Sagetip: That's cool.
[Today at 01:36:42] Sagetip: What are you gonna do today?
[Today at 01:36:56] Sagetip: Make the most of my last day of spring break.
[Today at 01:37:05] Sagetip: But it's technically not spring break anymore, is it?
[Today at 01:37:12] Sagetip: "Technically".
[Today at 01:37:20] Sagetip: mm.
[Today at 01:38:12] Sagetip: I'm just going to get my dad angry because I "could" be doing better things than goin' on my Xbone.
[Today at 01:38:27] Sagetip: Wanna hear somethin' funny?
[Today at 01:38:29] Sagetip: Sure.
[Today at 01:39:02] Sagetip: My English teacher last year said that if I used the words "thing" or "stuff" in my essay writing, she would kill a puppy. For each time I used one of those words.
[Today at 01:39:11] Sagetip: That's.... Terrifying.
[Today at 01:39:22] Sagetip: Yo.
[Today at 01:39:29] Sagetip: Hi.
[Today at 01:39:32] Sagetip: Hi.
[Today at 01:39:38] Sagetip: Sup?
[Today at 01:39:50] Sagetip: My life is up.
[Today at 01:39:55] Sagetip: Um...
[Today at 01:39:59] Sagetip: Wat.
[Today at 01:40:26] Sagetip: But it's really looking down. Seriously. This is probably going to be the worst day ever.
[Today at 01:40:33] Sagetip: SAME!
[Today at 01:40:38] Sagetip: Yas.
[Today at 01:40:50] Sagetip: It's nice to know that y'all sympathize with me.
[Today at 01:41:01] Sagetip: I'm having the same problems!
[Today at 01:41:10] Jet the binturong: Sage... are you having a mental breakdown or are you just bored?
[Today at 01:41:14] Sagetip: ^Yup.
[Today at 01:41:25] Sagetip: ... Both?
[Today at 01:41:30] Sagetip: Definitely.
[Today at 01:41:36] Sagetip: Without a doubt.
[Today at 01:41:51] Sagetip: I'm.... Fairly certain.
[Today at 01:41:58] Sagetip: I mean....
[Today at 01:42:13] Sagetip: It's not like I could kill a person, acting like I am.
[Today at 01:42:23] Sagetip: But would you?
[Today at 01:42:36] Sagetip: Hmm.
[Today at 01:42:41] Sagetip: A good question.
[Today at 01:43:03] Sagetip: But we couldn't kill them directly. We could incite them to suicide, though.

[Today at 01:43:08] Sagetip: YES.
[Today at 01:43:16] Sagetip: I'll Google it.
[Today at 01:43:23] Sagetip: Don't/
[Today at 01:43:29] Sagetip: TYPO!
[Today at 01:43:47] Sagetip: Seriously?
[Today at 01:43:56] Sagetip: Anyway, don't Google it.

[Today at 01:44:01] Sagetip: Why not?
[Today at 01:44:19] Sagetip: Because Google isn't useful that way.
[Today at 01:44:23] Aimless Gallivanter: are you....having a conversation with yourself?
[Today at 01:44:29] Sagetip: Maybe.
[Today at 01:44:36] Sagetip: Pretty certain.
[Today at 01:44:42] Sagetip: Without a doubt.
[Today at 01:44:42] Aimless Gallivanter: wonderful
[Today at 01:44:55] Sagetip: What else shall we talk about?
[Today at 01:45:07] Sagetip: Hmm.
[Today at 01:45:14] Aimless Gallivanter: so how are you all doing today?
[Today at 01:45:18] Sagetip: Don't tell me that you can't decide.
[Today at 01:45:27] Sagetip: Oh, I'm fine.
[Today at 01:45:31] Sagetip: I could be better.
[Today at 01:45:47] Sagetip: WRONG ORDER, YOU FOOLS!
[Today at 01:46:14] Sagetip: It's meant to be normal, italicized, then bold!

[Today at 01:46:27] Aimless Gallivanter: alright then
[Today at 01:46:30] Sagetip: But it went bold, normal, and then italicized!
[Today at 01:46:41] Sagetip: He's a little... OCD.
[Today at 01:46:51] Sagetip: Without a doubt.
[Today at 01:47:00] Sagetip: *breathing heavily* I'm going fine today.
[Today at 01:47:09] Sagetip: AARGH! NOOOO!

[Today at 01:47:16] Sagetip: Calm down, dude.
[Today at 01:47:30] Sagetip: DON'T "DUDE" ME, YOU LEMON!
[Today at 01:47:40] Sagetip: Someone's getting salty.
[Today at 01:47:53] Sagetip: They're watching us, we're giving the wrong impression!
[Today at 01:47:56] Sagetip: Meh.
[Today at 01:48:13] Sagetip: This is historical, let me copy it down.
[Today at 01:48:52] Sagetip: DOne.
[Today at 01:49:03] Sagetip: It's terrible! Delete it!
[Today at 01:49:09] Sagetip: That's kinda cool.
[Today at 01:49:35] Sagetip: Well, now what?
[Today at 01:49:40] Sagetip: What do you mean?
[Today at 01:49:50] Sagetip: He means that we need something to do.
[Today at 01:50:04] Sagetip: That's stupid.
[Today at 01:50:10] Sagetip: You're stupid.

[Today at 01:50:17] Sagetip: Watch who you're calling stupid.
[Today at 01:50:30] Sagetip: Yeah... *flexes tiny muscle*
[Today at 01:50:47] Sagetip: Alright.
[Today at 01:50:54] Sagetip: Let's talk about...

[Today at 01:50:56] Sagetip: DOGE!
[Today at 01:50:59] Sagetip: No.
[Today at 01:51:13] Sagetip: Cannot unread.

[Today at 01:51:21] Sagetip: Boooring.
[Today at 01:51:25] Sagetip: Fine.
[Today at 01:51:38] Sagetip: What about the forum?
[Today at 01:51:47] Sagetip: What kind of dummy idea is that?
[Today at 01:51:51] Sagetip: Good point.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber


Quote from: Lady Amber on April 04, 2016, 03:27:39 PM
@Sagetip: That was strange and hilarious. ;D
And I didn't even copy down the part where I roleplayed with myself.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


  This probably isn't funny to anyone else, but I found this little post chain to be quite funny (especially the punchline):

Quote from: Jet the binturong on April 19, 2016, 07:24:52 PM
#I'mDaveStriderTrashNo.1 (Reference anyone?)
Quote from: Rainshadow on April 19, 2016, 08:12:46 PM
Same.  (Oh, you mean "I'm Phil Trash #1"?  ;))
Quote from: Jet the binturong on April 19, 2016, 08:30:15 PM
No, you're Dave Strider Trash No. 2 at best, because there can only be one Dave Strider Trash No. 1 and that is me.
Quote from: Rainshadow on April 19, 2016, 09:03:00 PM
  Uh, rude?!?1!1?!  Just because you've been a fan longer doesn't mean that I'm not bigger trash than you?!1?!!  Wow, Jet, I can't believe you right now!!!11!1!!!  Ugh, so rude!

Quote from: Jet the binturong on April 19, 2016, 09:33:32 PM
Excuse you, my Mary-Sue self-insert god character dated him. That's the trashiest thing possible.

Quote from: Rainshadow on April 19, 2016, 09:57:23 PM
  ...I would combat that, but honestly I have nothing better.  :P

Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on April 19, 2016, 10:06:51 PM
"Haha nerds," I say. A tear smudges some of the gray paint off my face.

  Oh, Galli, that post has not yet failed to make me laugh.  xD
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Banya on May 15, 2016, 04:29:16 PM
It's like those squinty-eyed characters in TV shows and manga. They're always smiling widely with their eyes closed, but when their eyes do open, things get real.

I'm retired from the forum

Russa Nodrey

Quote from: Groddil on May 24, 2016, 02:35:46 AM
* Groddil is trapped on the forum due to a broken mouse.

So, howzit goin'?
Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on May 24, 2016, 02:43:43 AM
Quote from: Lady Amber on May 24, 2016, 02:59:51 AM
Wait, how can you click on stuff if your mouse is broken?
Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on May 24, 2016, 03:01:30 AM
my guess would be that he uses the tab-enter controls. although I dont know how effective that would be, or the extent and limitations of its uses.
Quote from: Lady Amber on May 24, 2016, 03:17:51 AM
Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on May 24, 2016, 03:27:13 AM
alas, he is gone, and we shall never know the answer
Quote from: Groddil on May 24, 2016, 04:43:35 AM
Yeah, I used tab-enter, plus arrow keys to move up and down quicker. Fortunately, I have a spare mouse at the moment, which should sustain me until I get home.
Quote from: Aimless Gallivanter on May 24, 2016, 04:46:04 AM
Sometimes, I think I can still hear his voice.
Oh poor Groddil, we lament the loss of one so young.

Jukka the Sling

Quote from: BatLord on May 28, 2016, 03:26:33 AM
I voted "my crush isn't on this poll" because of peer pressure. I wanted to feel like I was in on something.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


  In case y'all weren't here to witness this beautiful conversation in the shoutbox:

[Today at 02:45:12 pm] del ban  * Groddil scoops his own brain out
[Today at 02:45:16 pm] del ban Groddil: CURSE YOU RAINSHADOW!!!!
[Today at 02:45:57 pm] del ban Rainshadow: ?
[Today at 02:46:41 pm] del ban Rainshadow: why for am I being cursed?
[Today at 02:46:43 pm] del ban Groddil:!!!!
[Today at 02:46:51 pm] del ban Groddil: I'm 7 minutes in...
[Today at 02:46:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: KAZOO IT!
[Today at 02:46:52 pm] del ban Groddil: :'(
[Today at 02:46:57 pm] del ban Groddil: NO!
[Today at 02:46:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: JUST... KAZOO IT!
[Today at 02:47:00 pm] del ban Groddil: I DONT WANT TO!
[Today at 02:47:08 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE STOP!
[Today at 02:47:12 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE PRESS "X" TO DOWNLOAD VINNIE VOLE OS
[Today at 02:47:14 pm] del ban Rainshadow: just keep watching Grod, it gets better xD
[Today at 02:47:17 pm] del ban Groddil: WHOOPS
[Today at 02:47:19 pm] del ban Groddil: NOOOO
[Today at 02:47:25 pm] del ban Groddil: THAT'S NOT A COW!
[Today at 02:47:41 pm] del ban Groddil: THE MAIN KID, I SWEAR HE'S POSSESSED.
[Today at 02:47:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: such a dead-eyed child
[Today at 02:48:18 pm] del ban Groddil: Bumblebees? I hope  you get stung by one you child of hell!
[Today at 02:48:28 pm] del ban Rainshadow: buzzzzzz
[Today at 02:48:34 pm] del ban Groddil: I swear he's a serial killer
[Today at 02:48:41 pm] del ban Groddil: Just look at those eyes. And that evil grin.
[Today at 02:48:51 pm] del ban Rainshadow: now I turned it on and jumped to roughly where you are so I'm gonna experience it with you
[Today at 02:49:02 pm] del ban Groddil: Don't stop now...(Or I'll murder you)
[Today at 02:49:03 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I might be behind you though
[Today at 02:49:09 pm] del ban Groddil: I'm at exactly 9:15
[Today at 02:49:24 pm] del ban Groddil: I know
[Today at 02:49:39 pm] del ban Groddil: DO YOU WANT TO BE STABBED MORE? OR A LOT MORE?
[Today at 02:49:39 pm] del ban Groddil: LET
[Today at 02:49:47 pm] del ban Groddil: LET'S GO TO THE LINE OF MAKE-BELIEVE GUNS!
[Today at 02:49:56 pm] del ban Groddil: WHOOPS, I MENT LAN
[Today at 02:49:59 pm] del ban Groddil: *LAND
[Today at 02:49:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: then let's... GOTOTHELANDAMAKBULEEV
[Today at 02:50:08 pm] del ban Groddil: The pretend spirit?
[Today at 02:50:21 pm] del ban Groddil: It's me, the old man behind the camera
[Today at 02:50:25 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it's fun to pretend
[Today at 02:50:27 pm] del ban Groddil: come into my van, we'll pretend a lot!
[Today at 02:50:36 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I can't stop laughing xD
[Today at 02:50:37 pm] del ban Groddil: yeesh
[Today at 02:50:46 pm] del ban Groddil: my ears.
[Today at 02:50:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: gotta make the engine sound Grod
[Today at 02:51:01 pm] del ban Groddil: Hey kids, I'm Bill Cosby the Pretend Spirit.
[Today at 02:51:07 pm] del ban Rainshadow: xD
[Today at 02:51:07 pm] del ban Groddil: This Rolff Harris, my colleague
[Today at 02:51:15 pm] del ban Groddil: NOOO!
[Today at 02:51:20 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I don't think that's what hips, toes, or noses sound like
[Today at 02:51:23 pm] del ban Groddil: NOW THE KIDS HAVE STARTED HIP THRUSTING!
[Today at 02:51:30 pm] del ban Groddil: HELP MEEEEE!
[Today at 02:51:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you're forever trapped here with me
[Today at 02:51:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: listening and watching children play with their kazooos
[Today at 02:51:53 pm] del ban Groddil: Nope. Because in about 5 minutes, I have to go to school
[Today at 02:52:06 pm] del ban Groddil: how about instead of swimming, you drown?
[Today at 02:52:07 pm] del ban Rainshadow: NOPE, YOU GON BE LATE; YOU'RE STAYING TILL THE END
[Today at 02:52:15 pm] del ban Ashleg: GRODDIL
[Today at 02:52:17 pm] del ban Rainshadow: balump
[Today at 02:52:28 pm] del ban Groddil: I'LL DOWNLOAD IT AND WATCH THE REST THERE!!!
[Today at 02:52:28 pm] del ban Rainshadow: shoutbox, why you lag?
[Today at 02:52:28 pm] del ban Ashleg: YOU GUYS
[Today at 02:52:43 pm] del ban Rainshadow: HI ASH, WATCH IT WITH US
[Today at 02:52:46 pm] del ban Groddil: WHAT? THE PRETEND SPIRIT WANTS THEIR CLOTHES?
[Today at 02:52:52 pm] del ban Groddil: WHY IN THE NAME OF THE SEVEN HELLS?
[Today at 02:52:54 pm] del ban Rainshadow: eheheheheheh
[Today at 02:53:02 pm] del ban Ashleg: WATCH WHAT?
[Today at 02:53:04 pm] del ban Rainshadow: his laugh is amazing xD
[Today at 02:53:08 pm] del ban Rainshadow: You On Kazoo
[Today at 02:53:13 pm] del ban Ashleg: WHERE
[Today at 02:53:16 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I posted it in the random thread
[Today at 02:53:23 pm] del ban Groddil: Push the rock? Can I push it onto their little demonic faces?
[Today at 02:53:24 pm] del ban Ashleg: OOOOH
[Today at 02:53:37 pm] del ban Rainshadow: no, you cannot kill the little possessed children
[Today at 02:53:52 pm] del ban Groddil: DEATH WOULD BE A WELCOME RELIEF FOR THEM!!!
[Today at 02:53:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: but you can, however, kazoo down low and up high
[Today at 02:54:14 pm] del ban Groddil: I AM DOING THEM A FAVOUR!!!
[Today at 02:54:51 pm] del ban Rainshadow: there are literally adult voices in the background of these childrens' cheering
[Today at 02:54:51 pm] del ban BatLord: I BLAME YOU, RAIN. I BLAME YOU.
[Today at 02:54:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: good xD
[Today at 02:55:01 pm] del ban Groddil: I'M THE PRETEND SPIRIT! HAVE THIS $5.
[Today at 02:55:12 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU GOTTA REACH INTO MY POCKET TO GET IT!
[Today at 02:55:19 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND! - Pretend Spirit
[Today at 02:55:32 pm] del ban Groddil: Kill me
[Today at 02:55:38 pm] del ban BatLord: I can only listen to each Nightvale episode so quickly and agh, I need to just lock myself in a room forever until I'm all the way through.
[Today at 02:55:42 pm] del ban Groddil: Rain is forcing me to download it and watch the 2nd half
[Today at 02:55:46 pm] del ban Rainshadow: never; you must come back soon and play with the Pretend Spirit
[Today at 02:55:46 pm] del ban Groddil: Batlord, you have to kill me
[Today at 02:55:53 pm] del ban Groddil: please
[Today at 02:56:01 pm] del ban Groddil: OH NOTHING RAIN JUST WATCHING THE KAZOO VIDEO!!!
[Today at 02:56:14 pm] del ban Groddil: KAZOO PLAYERS CANT MAKE ANY SOUND THEY WANT!
[Today at 02:56:16 pm] del ban BatLord: Alright, don't know what this is all about, but yup, I'll do that for ya!
[Today at 02:56:17 pm] del ban Rainshadow: @Bat: yes, lock yourself in a room and sink farther into the madness that is WtNV
[Today at 02:56:21 pm] del ban Groddil: THEY CAN ONLY MAKE DEMONIC SCREAMS!!!
[Today at 02:56:30 pm] del ban Rainshadow: SHOOBEEDOOBEEDOOBEE
[Today at 02:56:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: BALULULULLULULULULU
[Today at 02:56:42 pm] del ban Groddil: I WANT DEATH!
[Today at 02:56:48 pm] del ban BatLord: Whenever Cecil talks about Carlos I get so excited.
[Today at 02:56:54 pm] del ban Rainshadow: death shall flee from you until the end of this video, Grod
[Today at 02:57:03 pm] del ban Rainshadow: also, I totally agree with you, Batty
[Today at 02:57:08 pm] del ban Groddil: JUST MAKE IT STOP!!!
[Today at 02:57:14 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it will never stop
[Today at 02:57:22 pm] del ban Groddil: WHAT HAPPENED TO KAZOOS?
[Today at 02:57:29 pm] del ban Groddil: WHY ARE THERE HEAPS OF PRETEND INSTRUMENS?
[Today at 02:57:31 pm] del ban Rainshadow: also, just letting you know, I can barely breathe from how hard your commentary is making me laugh
[Today at 02:57:33 pm] del ban BatLord: Shwing! That is the sound the sword makes as it's drawn. You want it in the head or heart?
[Today at 02:57:41 pm] del ban Groddil: BOTH!
[Today at 02:57:45 pm] del ban Groddil: I WANT THE SWORD IN BOTH PARTS!
[Today at 02:57:49 pm] del ban Groddil: okay, back soon
[Today at 02:57:56 pm] del ban Groddil: then ill download the video and we will watch the 2nd half
[Today at 02:58:06 pm] del ban Rainshadow: by, Grod; have fun watching the other half of the most amazing video ever
[Today at 02:58:06 pm] del ban BatLord: Shquick! Squelsh!
[Today at 02:58:37 pm] del ban Rainshadow: whoops, did you just kill him?
[Today at 02:58:51 pm] del ban Rainshadow: aw, now I have no one to laugh at as they go through the torture I went through...
[Today at 02:58:58 pm] del ban BatLord: c:
[Today at 02:59:03 pm] del ban Rainshadow: say, Batty, you wanna watch You On Kazoo? ;D
[Today at 02:59:10 pm] del ban Ashleg: That
[Today at 02:59:13 pm] del ban Ashleg: Why
[Today at 02:59:15 pm] del ban BatLord: I wanna say no?
[Today at 02:59:23 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it is an amazing experience
[Today at 02:59:31 pm] del ban BatLord: But I sorta wanna say yes.
[Today at 02:59:37 pm] del ban Rainshadow: trust me, you'll love it.
[Today at 02:59:42 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you'll hate it, but you'll love it
[Today at 02:59:46 pm] del ban Ashleg: It's causing me physical pain
[Today at 02:59:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: good xD
[Today at 03:00:01 pm] del ban Ashleg: I'm also laughing
[Today at 03:00:12 pm] del ban Ashleg: CARL
[Today at 03:00:14 pm] del ban Rainshadow: best video on the internet
[Today at 03:00:16 pm] del ban Rainshadow:
[Today at 03:00:16 pm] del ban Ashleg: NO
[Today at 03:00:24 pm] del ban Ashleg: NO STOP
[Today at 03:00:29 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh dear, it's 30 minutes? I dunno if I can stop listening to Nightvale that long...
[Today at 03:00:31 pm] del ban Ashleg: I CAN TOP IT
[Today at 03:00:31 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my favourite part is still that they dub some of the kids with adult voices
[Today at 03:00:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: like why do some kids get to talk but others have to have adults speak for them?
[Today at 03:01:11 pm] del ban Ashleg: I CAN TOP IT, RAIN
[Today at 03:01:17 pm] del ban Rainshadow: with what, pray tell?
[Today at 03:01:23 pm] del ban Ashleg:
[Today at 03:01:36 pm] del ban Ashleg: CREEPY AS HECK
[Today at 03:01:44 pm] del ban BatLord: Should I record my reaction or something so you can laugh later? :P
[Today at 03:01:49 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I've done this dance before
[Today at 03:01:58 pm] del ban Ashleg: WHAT
[Today at 03:01:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: and yes, Batty, you definitely should ;D
[Today at 03:02:09 pm] del ban Ashleg: YOU'VE DONE THIS
[Today at 03:02:12 pm] del ban Rainshadow: yeah, they do this dance every year in VBS; it's really weird
[Today at 03:02:21 pm] del ban Rainshadow: thankfully I was only in VBS for one year
[Today at 03:02:30 pm] del ban Rainshadow: now I help out in the kitchen and I don't have to dance
[Today at 03:02:36 pm] del ban  * Ashleg dies
[Today at 03:02:47 pm] del ban Ashleg: asdfghjkl
[Today at 03:02:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: bye, Ash; nice knowing you xD
[Today at 03:03:11 pm] del ban Ashleg: Gtg XD
[Today at 03:03:25 pm] del ban Rainshadow: oh, then actually bye Ash :P
[Today at 03:03:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: always remember to form the banana
[Today at 03:14:30 pm] del ban Groddil: I'm Back
[Today at 03:14:35 pm] del ban Rainshadow: welcome
[Today at 03:14:37 pm] del ban Groddil: Time to download the most awful video ever
[Today at 03:14:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow: as you were saying that, I was typing out "shall we get back to the best video ever" xD
[Today at 03:14:59 pm] del ban Groddil: okay, audiochief...
[Today at 03:15:16 pm] del ban Ashleg: Back. XD
[Today at 03:15:28 pm] del ban Rainshadow: welcome back, once-dead-now-not-dead Ashleg!
[Today at 03:17:16 pm] del ban Mhera: I'm about to watch the video in The Most Random Thread. Just thought you might like to know that, Rain ;D
[Today at 03:17:25 pm] del ban Rainshadow: YUSS!
[Today at 03:17:26 pm] del ban Groddil:
[Today at 03:17:37 pm] del ban Groddil: forget Tyrion, this is my new avatar!
[Today at 03:17:42 pm] del ban Rainshadow: thank you for that, Grod xD
[Today at 03:17:45 pm] del ban Mask: stop
[Today at 03:17:49 pm] del ban Mask: No.
[Today at 03:17:59 pm] del ban Mask: YOU MONSTER
[Today at 03:18:09 pm] del ban Mask: HOW COULD YOU?????
[Today at 03:18:26 pm] del ban Mask: IT MUST GO.
[Today at 03:18:31 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:33 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:35 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:36 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:37 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:38 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:39 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:40 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:41 pm] del ban Groddil: Rain
[Today at 03:18:41 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:42 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:43 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:43 pm] del ban Groddil: Check my profile
[Today at 03:18:45 pm] del ban Mask: .
[Today at 03:18:48 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I can't breathe, Grod
[Today at 03:18:51 pm] del ban Mask: YAY
[Today at 03:19:08 pm] del ban Rainshadow: help, I can't breathe from how hard I'm laughing
[Today at 03:19:15 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my sister is getting annoyed
[Today at 03:21:15 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I just love seeing how many people are viewing the random thread right now; I just know what they're looking at ;D
[Today at 03:21:16 pm] del ban Groddil: Oh, turd
[Today at 03:21:21 pm] del ban Groddil: the video is too long to convert to MP4
[Today at 03:21:26 pm] del ban Rainshadow: NOOOO
[Today at 03:21:29 pm] del ban Groddil: RAIN!
[Today at 03:21:32 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE!
[Today at 03:21:35 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU HAVE TO FIX IT!
[Today at 03:21:41 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I DON'T KNOW HOW
[Today at 03:21:46 pm] del ban Groddil: TAKE THE VIDEO, CUT OUT THE 1st 14 minutes
[Today at 03:21:48 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I'M NOT OBI-WAN KENOBI
[Today at 03:21:54 pm] del ban Groddil: then reupload the second half and gimme the url!
[Today at 03:21:57 pm] del ban Groddil: onto youtubes
[Today at 03:22:04 pm] del ban Groddil: you have to upload it, rain
[Today at 03:22:07 pm] del ban Groddil: USE THE WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER!!!
[Today at 03:22:15 pm] del ban Rainshadow: but I don't have a youtubes and I don't know how to do that D:
[Today at 03:22:35 pm] del ban Groddil: SOMEBODY HELP US1
[Today at 03:22:47 pm] del ban BatLord: MAYBE1
[Today at 03:22:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: HELP US, BATTY, YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE
[Today at 03:23:12 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE BATLORD
[Today at 03:23:19 pm] del ban Groddil: CUT OUT EVERYTHING BEFORE HE 15 MINUTE MARK!
[Today at 03:23:21 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU HAVE TO!
[Today at 03:23:35 pm] del ban BatLord: I'll try, no promises.
[Today at 03:23:49 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you can do it, Batty; I believe in you
[Today at 03:24:22 pm] del ban Ashleg: PAIN PAIN'
[Today at 03:24:31 pm] del ban Ashleg: PAIN CAUSED BY RAIN
[Today at 03:24:34 pm] del ban Ashleg: Shadow
[Today at 03:24:36 pm] del ban Rainshadow: JUST KAZOO IT
[Today at 03:24:44 pm] del ban Ashleg: THE SPIRIT OF MAKE BELIEVE
[Today at 03:24:52 pm] del ban LT Sandpaw: Wha...?
[Today at 03:24:54 pm] del ban Ashleg: IT'S SO CREEPY
[Today at 03:25:02 pm] del ban Ashleg: SANDPWA
[Today at 03:25:06 pm] del ban Ashleg: Kazoo it!
[Today at 03:25:31 pm] del ban Rainshadow: ehehehehehehehehehe - Pretend Spirit's amazing laugh
[Today at 03:25:35 pm] del ban LT Sandpaw: I don't understand!!!!
[Today at 03:25:45 pm] del ban Ashleg: GIVE HIM THE LINK!
[Today at 03:25:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow:
[Today at 03:25:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: watch it with us
[Today at 03:26:33 pm] del ban Ashleg: Watch it
[Today at 03:26:44 pm] del ban Mhera: I made it eight minutes
[Today at 03:27:13 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you should be making it the whole 29 minutes and 21 seconds, Mherry
[Today at 03:27:22 pm] del ban Groddil: I got to 15 before I lost youtube connections
[Today at 03:27:28 pm] del ban Groddil: I need Batlord's help to finish it
[Today at 03:27:32 pm] del ban Groddil: please bat
[Today at 03:27:35 pm] del ban Ashleg: Aaaaaaaa
[Today at 03:27:44 pm] del ban Groddil: if you don't Rainshadow will start cutting bits off of me
[Today at 03:27:49 pm] del ban Ashleg: THEY're LANDING THEPLANE
[Today at 03:27:50 pm] del ban Groddil: oop, there goes my finger
[Today at 03:27:50 pm] del ban LT Sandpaw: Death, blood, blood, blood, death, dying, blood, uuuuggh. *Spluuurt*
[Today at 03:28:06 pm] del ban Ashleg: THERE GOES MY HEARTBEAT!
[Today at 03:28:10 pm] del ban Groddil: Rain, please!
[Today at 03:28:25 pm] del ban Groddil: I know you can't hear my screams from your basement, just please make it stop!
[Today at 03:28:35 pm] del ban Groddil: Stop getting your sister to hurt me!
[Today at 03:28:38 pm] del ban Ashleg: AAAAAAARRRRRRGH
[Today at 03:28:39 pm] del ban Rainshadow: never
[Today at 03:28:45 pm] del ban Rainshadow: Ash, where are you at?
[Today at 03:28:50 pm] del ban Ashleg: the pretend spirit is coming
[Today at 03:28:54 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEEEAEASSE AAARAHFYUEFAG!
[Today at 03:29:05 pm] del ban Ashleg: THEY WERE PRETENDING TO BE PLANES
[Today at 03:29:08 pm] del ban Groddil: NOT BILL COSBY THE PRETEND SPIRIT!!!
[Today at 03:29:14 pm] del ban BatLord: Alright, working on it, gonna ignore all the dying people around here.
[Today at 03:29:15 pm] del ban Ashleg: AROUND TEN MINUTES
[Today at 03:29:25 pm] del ban Groddil: THANKS BAT!
[Today at 03:29:33 pm] del ban Groddil: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
[Today at 03:29:36 pm] del ban BatLord: The video's downloading to my old computer, don't really care if it gets a virus anymore.
[Today at 03:29:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: eherherherherherherh
[Today at 03:29:41 pm] del ban Mhera: I'll never be able to get that out of my head
[Today at 03:29:47 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's SiSTER cuts off Groddil's Appendix
[Today at 03:29:52 pm] del ban Ashleg: GRODDIL
[Today at 03:29:53 pm] del ban Groddil: meh, I didn't need that anyway!
[Today at 03:29:54 pm] del ban Mhera: I want to punch Brett
[Today at 03:30:02 pm] del ban BatLord: Then I'm gonna see what I can do with iMovie.
[Today at 03:30:03 pm] del ban Ashleg: GRODDIL
[Today at 03:30:10 pm] del ban Groddil: WHAT IS IT ASH?
[Today at 03:30:14 pm] del ban Groddil: OH GOD THE PAIN!
[Today at 03:30:26 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister cuts of Groddil's femur.
[Today at 03:30:32 pm] del ban Groddil: nyaaaaaarggh
[Today at 03:30:36 pm] del ban Ashleg: HE WATCHED THIS VIDEO
[Today at 03:30:36 pm] del ban Rainshadow: are you in the land of make believe yet, Ash?
[Today at 03:30:42 pm] del ban Groddil: (Ash: what? Huh?)"
[Today at 03:30:48 pm] del ban Groddil: OOOOHHH!
[Today at 03:30:50 pm] del ban Groddil: NOW I GET IT!
[Today at 03:30:51 pm] del ban Groddil: HAHAHAHAHA
[Today at 03:30:51 pm] del ban Ashleg: YES
[Today at 03:30:53 pm] del ban Groddil: THATS NOT FUNNY
[Today at 03:30:55 pm] del ban Groddil: THE PAIN!
[Today at 03:30:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: BALUMP BALUMP BALUMP
[Today at 03:31:03 pm] del ban Groddil: NO, PLEASE RAINSHADOW JR!
[Today at 03:31:07 pm] del ban BatLord: But my pierogis take priority over this, so once they're out of the oven, I'm taking a break.
[Today at 03:31:15 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister rips out Groddil's Left Lung
[Today at 03:31:24 pm] del ban Groddil: GAAASSSPPPP!!!!
[Today at 03:31:26 pm] del ban BatLord: But pierogis always take priority. You understand, right?
[Today at 03:31:30 pm] del ban Groddil: Rain! Make her stop!
[Today at 03:31:32 pm] del ban Ashleg: Aa
[Today at 03:31:35 pm] del ban Groddil: what's a pierogis?
[Today at 03:31:35 pm] del ban Rainshadow: y'know, Grod, I can't see my sister right now, so there's a good chance she's actually doing that
[Today at 03:31:38 pm] del ban Ashleg: aaaaaa
[Today at 03:31:47 pm] del ban BatLord: I'm just gonna keep calmly speaking amid all this because it's pretty funny.
[Today at 03:31:47 pm] del ban Ashleg: As
[Today at 03:31:50 pm] del ban Ashleg: We
[Today at 03:31:53 pm] del ban Ashleg: All
[Today at 03:31:56 pm] del ban Ashleg: Thought
[Today at 03:31:59 pm] del ban Groddil: mmm, polish dumplings...
[Today at 03:32:02 pm] del ban Ashleg: THIS VIDEO IS EVIL
[Today at 03:32:10 pm] del ban Rainshadow: eherherherherherherherher...
[Today at 03:32:13 pm] del ban BatLord: Anyone else like pierogis? I really like them
[Today at 03:32:15 pm] del ban Groddil: EXACTLY, RAIN. MAKE HER STOP!!!
[Today at 03:32:18 pm] del ban Ashleg: I'm taking a break
[Today at 03:32:19 pm] del ban BatLord: One of my favorite foods.
[Today at 03:32:21 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I have no idea what pierogis is
[Today at 03:32:23 pm] del ban Groddil: (I've never tried one)
[Today at 03:32:27 pm] del ban BatLord: Except for hashbrowns.
[Today at 03:32:30 pm] del ban Groddil: (Send me one on AmazonAir, will ya?)
[Today at 03:32:35 pm] del ban Rainshadow: aww, Ash, you're leaving me alone with the demon children?
[Today at 03:32:41 pm] del ban BatLord: Pierogis are pretty amazing. You should try some.
[Today at 03:32:41 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE, RAINSHADOW JR
[Today at 03:32:49 pm] del ban Groddil: DON'T LISTEN TO HER!
[Today at 03:32:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: RAINSHADOW JR xD
[Today at 03:32:51 pm] del ban Groddil: SHE'S EVIL!
[Today at 03:32:54 pm] del ban Rainshadow: she's my older sis
[Today at 03:33:01 pm] del ban Groddil: ONCE SHE'S DONE WITH ME, SHE'LL MURDER YOU AS WELL!
[Today at 03:33:02 pm] del ban Groddil: oh
[Today at 03:33:05 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE RAINSHADOW SR!
[Today at 03:33:13 pm] del ban Groddil: DON'T DO IT.....AAAAAARRRRGGHHH!
[Today at 03:33:23 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I CAN'T BREATHE
[Today at 03:33:27 pm] del ban BatLord: The video says it's got 3 minutes left, but a couple minutes ago it was 12, and a little bit before that it was 5. So don't count on that.
[Today at 03:33:28 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister rips out Groddil's eyes and his kidneys and switches them over..
[Today at 03:33:31 pm] del ban Groddil: WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!?!!
[Today at 03:33:37 pm] del ban Groddil: GOD LEFT ME INCOMPLETE!!!
[Today at 03:33:43 pm] del ban Groddil: NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[Today at 03:33:48 pm] del ban BatLord: So how's the weather where all of you are?
[Today at 03:33:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it's kinda grey outside, but annoyingly warm
[Today at 03:34:06 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you?
[Today at 03:34:26 pm] del ban BatLord: It's pretty rainy. I was so proud of myself for bringing a raincoat and actually using it in the rain.
[Today at 03:34:33 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh, pleasant weather!
[Today at 03:34:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I'm stalking you
[Today at 03:34:40 pm] del ban Rusvul: Grey weather is very nice weather. I don't like bright blue with clouds.
[Today at 03:34:42 pm] del ban Groddil: DOOBIE DOOBIE DOO.
[Today at 03:34:53 pm] del ban Rainshadow: BLULULULULULULULU
[Today at 03:34:55 pm] del ban Groddil: WHERE IS MY LIVER, DOOBIE DOOBIE DOO?
[Today at 03:34:59 pm] del ban BatLord: Whenever I bring an umbrella or anything, it never rains while I'm outside, and that's really annoying.
[Today at 03:35:07 pm] del ban Groddil: RAINSHADOW SR, LISTEN TO ME
[Today at 03:35:12 pm] del ban Groddil: I HAVE...LOTS...OF MONEY
[Today at 03:35:14 pm] del ban Groddil: DO YOU LIKE MONEY?
[Today at 03:35:27 pm] del ban BatLord: My pierogis are done.
[Today at 03:35:27 pm] del ban Rainshadow: she doesn't want money; she wants your soul
[Today at 03:35:34 pm] del ban Groddil: I USE THE FLESH OF MY ENEMIES AS CURRENCY!!!
[Today at 03:35:50 pm] del ban Rainshadow: take a picture of them so we know you aren't lying about you baking/cooking/grilling/whatever pierogis are
[Today at 03:35:55 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister forces Groddil to drink his own stomach acid
[Today at 03:36:11 pm] del ban Rainshadow: technically her text would be purple
[Today at 03:36:15 pm] del ban Rainshadow: :p
[Today at 03:36:31 pm] del ban Groddil: I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SPECIFICS!
[Today at 03:36:32 pm] del ban Rainshadow: also I really wanna post this in the funniest posts collection thread
[Today at 03:36:37 pm] del ban Groddil: JUST MAKE HER STOP!!!
[Today at 03:36:43 pm] del ban Groddil: (DO it, when this is done)
[Today at 03:36:46 pm] del ban Rainshadow: because this is just beautiful
[Today at 03:36:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I can never make my sister stop, Grod
[Today at 03:37:06 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU CAN'T POST IT, IMOOTO. I HAVEN'T FINISHED YET. *EVIL LAUGH*
[Today at 03:37:09 pm] del ban Groddil: NOOOOOOOOO!
[Today at 03:37:17 pm] del ban Groddil: GAAAAAAAAH!
[Today at 03:37:31 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister rips off Groddil's nose and stuffs it up his rectum.
[Today at 03:37:38 pm] del ban Groddil: THE SMELL IS INTENSE!!!
[Today at 03:37:40 pm] del ban Groddil: GAAAAH!
[Today at 03:37:45 pm] del ban Groddil: HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?!!?!?
[Today at 03:38:12 pm] del ban Rainshadow: just letting you know, my sister is currently reading this xD
[Today at 03:38:13 pm] del ban BatLord: The will of the kazoos.
[Today at 03:38:20 pm] del ban  * Groddil dies
[Today at 03:38:32 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister attaches a jumper cable to Groddil
[Today at 03:38:33 pm] del ban Rainshadow: *a lonely trumpet plays TapsU
[Today at 03:38:39 pm] del ban Rainshadow: *Taps*
[Today at 03:38:46 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister attaches a car battery to the jumper cable
[Today at 03:38:50 pm] del ban BatLord: *a kazoo joins the trumpet*
[Today at 03:38:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: *with Rainshadow Sr laughing maniacally in the background*
[Today at 03:38:55 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister turns the battery on
[Today at 03:38:59 pm] del ban Groddil: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!
[Today at 03:39:03 pm] del ban James Gryphon: I watched some of it the other day. It was pretty mediocre.
[Today at 03:39:04 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!
[Today at 03:39:06 pm] del ban Groddil: Okay, she's gone
[Today at 03:39:13 pm] del ban Groddil: thank all that is holy
[Today at 03:39:20 pm] del ban Groddil: but once she tires of reading this, its back to the pain
[Today at 03:39:23 pm] del ban Rainshadow: did she jumpstart your heart?
[Today at 03:39:25 pm] del ban Groddil: uh oh
[Today at 03:39:27 pm] del ban Groddil: no
[Today at 03:39:28 pm] del ban Groddil: please
[Today at 03:39:31 pm] del ban Groddil: NOOOOOOO!
[Today at 03:39:33 pm] del ban James Gryphon: Kids are not known for being great actors, but I think they had a bad script to start with there.
[Today at 03:39:54 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister gives Groddil his meal: Steak and Groddil's kidney pie
[Today at 03:40:14 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: If you're talking about the kazoo video, they had a bad everything to start with ;D
[Today at 03:40:26 pm] del ban Rainshadow: too true, Eul
[Today at 03:40:28 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister pulls out a large filleting knife
[Today at 03:40:29 pm] del ban Rainshadow: too true
[Today at 03:40:33 pm] del ban Groddil: NO! NOT MY BONES!
[Today at 03:40:34 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEASE!
[Today at 03:40:39 pm] del ban Rainshadow: Grod, my sis thinks you're weird xD
[Today at 03:40:48 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister takes Groddil's skeleton out
[Today at 03:40:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow: amazing precision
[Today at 03:41:00 pm] del ban Groddil: (Rain's Sis: A lot of people tend to think that)
[Today at 03:41:11 pm] del ban Rainshadow: welp, she left
[Today at 03:41:20 pm] del ban Rainshadow: presumably to go back to the basement
[Today at 03:41:26 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: Bleh!
[Today at 03:41:27 pm] del ban Groddil: (You shouldn't have been dragged into this, but I think it was Rain's fault for mentioning that you were no where to be seen)
[Today at 03:41:31 pm] del ban Groddil: OH WELL
[Today at 03:41:35 pm] del ban Groddil: I NEED TO ESCAPE!
[Today at 03:41:48 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! engulfs Rainshadow's sister
[Today at 03:41:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow: brb
[Today at 03:41:57 pm] del ban Groddil: HELP ME IMOOTO!
[Today at 03:42:01 pm] del ban Groddil: mkey
[Today at 03:42:14 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! dissolves Rainshadow's sister
[Today at 03:42:18 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU'RE NEXT, RAIN!!!
[Today at 03:42:27 pm] del ban BatLord: My pierogis are pretty hot. They sorta hurt to eat.
[Today at 03:42:41 pm] del ban Groddil: (eat faster. burn your throat, i need kazoos.)
[Today at 03:42:46 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: I'm just gonna.... slowly walk away.... heh.... heh heh heh...
[Today at 03:43:47 pm] del ban Rainshadow: welp, I come back and all of a sudden my sister's dead
[Today at 03:43:57 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: Sorry...
[Today at 03:44:00 pm] del ban Groddil: YOU'RE NEXT!!!
[Today at 03:44:03 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: Not my fault
[Today at 03:44:03 pm] del ban Groddil: MWAAHAHAHAHA!
[Today at 03:44:16 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! squelches up the basement stairs
[Today at 03:44:36 pm] del ban Rainshadow: *locks basement door*
[Today at 03:44:40 pm] del ban  * Eulaliaaa! throws a peanut at goop groddil
[Today at 03:44:47 pm] del ban Groddil: Be back soon
[Today at 03:45:07 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: Sorry, I didn't know you had a peanut allergy
[Today at 03:45:11 pm] del ban Eulaliaaa!: ;D
[Today at 03:45:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow: bye bye, Groddil; have fun choking on the peanut
[Today at 03:49:08 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh, the time it takes to copy to iMovie says about 90 minutes. You'll be waiting a while.
[Today at 03:49:20 pm] del ban Rainshadow: oof, that's awhile
[Today at 03:49:27 pm] del ban Rainshadow: a long while for only 15 minutes of a video
[Today at 03:49:51 pm] del ban BatLord: Yeah, I got no idea why.
[Today at 03:49:57 pm] del ban Groddil: dang
[Today at 03:50:00 pm] del ban Groddil: (back)
[Today at 03:50:19 pm] del ban Rainshadow: are you no longer choking on a peanut?
[Today at 03:50:31 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! eats the peanut and it is nice
[Today at 03:50:34 pm] del ban Groddil: me=GOOP GRODDIL
[Today at 03:50:46 pm] del ban Rainshadow: :P
[Today at 03:51:00 pm] del ban BatLord: I mean, I guess I could set it to play for only those 15 minutes and use screen capture, but I don't think that'll do audio.
[Today at 03:51:21 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you need the audio for this video to be the true art that it is
[Today at 03:51:23 pm] del ban BatLord: I could do commentary and provide all the voices myself.
[Today at 03:51:25 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL!  eats the peanut
[Today at 03:51:30 pm] del ban Groddil: AND IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!
[Today at 03:51:35 pm] del ban Rainshadow: ...I kinda want to see that, Batty xD
[Today at 03:51:39 pm] del ban BatLord: And there's a kazoo in the living room.
[Today at 03:51:49 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! squelches up against the door
[Today at 03:51:49 pm] del ban Rainshadow: DO IT
[Today at 03:52:01 pm] del ban  * Rainshadow triple locks the basement door
[Today at 03:52:02 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh dear.
[Today at 03:52:02 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! begins to gag
[Today at 03:52:04 pm] del ban Groddil: GREAT.
[Today at 03:52:14 pm] del ban Groddil: I SHOULDN'T HAVE EATEN RAINSHADOW-SR
[Today at 03:52:15 pm] del ban Rainshadow: peanut allergy to the rescue?
[Today at 03:52:17 pm] del ban Groddil: THAT KNIFE...
[Today at 03:52:24 pm] del ban Groddil: IT MUST HAVE BEEN USED FOR CHICKEN AND NOT WASHED!!!
[Today at 03:52:26 pm] del ban Rainshadow: ohhhhhh, nice! thanks, dead sis!
[Today at 03:52:37 pm] del ban Groddil:
* GOOP GRODDIL! gets Salmonella and spits out Rainshadow Sr.
[Today at 03:52:44 pm] del ban Groddil: Fine...Just take me...
[Today at 03:52:47 pm] del ban Groddil: Just kill me fast...
[Today at 03:52:53 pm] del ban Groddil: THANK YOU!
[Today at 03:53:00 pm] del ban BatLord: Never.
[Today at 03:53:03 pm] del ban Rainshadow: SIS! YOU'RE NOT DEAD!
[Today at 03:53:18 pm] del ban BatLord: You will live out all your days.
[Today at 03:53:18 pm] del ban Groddil: MWAHAAHAHAAG! I WILL NEVER DIE!
[Today at 03:53:30 pm] del ban Groddil: REMEMBER? YOU INFUSED THE SOUL OF THE KAZOO KID WITH ME
[Today at 03:53:53 pm] del ban Groddil: MY HALF-DEMON SOUL CANNOT BE DESTROYED!!!
[Today at 03:54:01 pm] del ban Groddil: JUST KILL ME ALREADY!
[Today at 03:54:05 pm] del ban Groddil: SHUT UP!
[Today at 03:54:08 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my sister's only response to all this is "...k..."
[Today at 03:54:28 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister kicks Groddil with cleats
[Today at 03:54:30 pm] del ban BatLord: Course it is. She'll never understand us.
[Today at 03:54:32 pm] del ban Groddil: OW!
[Today at 03:54:33 pm] del ban Groddil: THOSE HURT!
[Today at 03:54:45 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister rips out Groddil's heart
[Today at 03:54:57 pm] del ban Groddil: GREAT
[Today at 03:55:01 pm] del ban Groddil: NOW I REALLY AM HEARTLESS
[Today at 03:55:09 pm] del ban BatLord: It said 68 a little bit ago but it's 70 again. Is time going in reverse?
[Today at 03:55:25 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my sister told me to tell you this fun fact: back in 2012, she was a member for a couple months
[Today at 03:55:30 pm] del ban Rainshadow: she used to be one of us
[Today at 03:55:55 pm] del ban Groddil:
[Today at 03:55:58 pm] del ban Groddil: me=Rainshadpw
[Today at 03:56:00 pm] del ban BatLord: What? Who was she? Was I even around then? I think so? Maybe?
[Today at 03:56:06 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister wants to know
[Today at 03:56:10 pm] del ban Rainshadow: she was Eustace Scrubb
[Today at 03:56:22 pm] del ban Groddil:
* So rainshadow's sister can be called something other than rains' sister
[Today at 03:56:23 pm] del ban Groddil: okay
[Today at 03:56:25 pm] del ban BatLord: IT SAYS 72.
[Today at 03:56:39 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Eustace Scrubb Cuts the aorta from Groddil's heart
[Today at 03:56:46 pm] del ban BatLord: TIME IS GOING IN REVERSE.
[Today at 03:56:50 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Eustace Scrubb ties the aorta around Groddil
[Today at 03:56:55 pm] del ban BatLord: 74.
[Today at 03:56:55 pm] del ban Rainshadow: but she usually went by Watson
[Today at 03:56:57 pm] del ban Groddil: (groddil's neck)
[Today at 03:57:00 pm] del ban BatLord: OH GOD.
[Today at 03:57:14 pm] del ban BatLord: 75!
[Today at 03:57:16 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Waston Grabs BatLord
[Today at 03:57:25 pm] del ban BatLord: I CAN FEEL MYSELF GROWING YOUNGER
[Today at 03:57:39 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Waston Shoves BatLord into GOOP GRODDIL! to act as a skeleton
[Today at 03:57:39 pm] del ban BatLord: OH NO, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE NOW!
[Today at 03:57:49 pm] del ban BatLord: 77!
[Today at 03:58:00 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I just love the fact that you're portraying my sister as this bloodthirsty demon and she's currently twirling around in the room, talking about how it's National Donut Day
[Today at 03:58:36 pm] del ban Rainshadow: wait Batty what are the numbers for? I think I missed that
[Today at 03:58:58 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh, that's the time that's left on the video. Going in reverse. Time's going backwards.
[Today at 03:59:05 pm] del ban BatLord: It's 78 now.
[Today at 03:59:14 pm] del ban Rainshadow: ooohhhhhhhhhhhh
[Today at 03:59:20 pm] del ban Rainshadow: yeah you're definitely gonna be unborn
[Today at 03:59:35 pm] del ban Groddil:
* BatGrod will be back soon
[Today at 03:59:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: bye, BatGrod! have fun in the basement!
[Today at 03:59:57 pm] del ban BatLord: Maybe I'll get the chance to whack around my younger self for a bit before I'm unborn. That'd be nice.
[Today at 04:00:06 pm] del ban BatLord: Little jerk.
[Today at 04:00:18 pm] del ban Rainshadow: but does your mind get younger, too, or is it just the body?
[Today at 04:00:21 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh wait, it's going down to 74.
[Today at 04:00:25 pm] del ban BatLord: No idea.
[Today at 04:00:25 pm] del ban Rainshadow: are you losing memories as you get younger?
[Today at 04:00:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: is your entire life going in reverse?
[Today at 04:01:38 pm] del ban BatLord: I still feel normal, still remember what we were talking about. Sort of.
[Today at 04:01:41 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: hi
[Today at 04:01:56 pm] del ban BatLord: Stay away for your sanity,
[Today at 04:01:59 pm] del ban Rainshadow: hi, other Ash; wanna watch an amazing video and also watch Batty get unborn?
[Today at 04:02:13 pm] del ban Rainshadow: (I promise my sister won't murder you)
[Today at 04:02:16 pm] del ban BatLord: It's for your own good.
[Today at 04:03:31 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: What is it called?
[Today at 04:03:38 pm] del ban BatLord: Noooooooo!
[Today at 04:03:40 pm] del ban Rainshadow:
[Today at 04:03:48 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it's long, but it's worth it
[Today at 04:03:49 pm] del ban BatLord: DONT DO IT.
[Today at 04:03:53 pm] del ban Rainshadow: DO IT
[Today at 04:03:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: EAT THE CHOCOLATE MUFFINS OF DEATH
[Today at 04:04:39 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: I don't have enough time to
[Today at 04:04:51 pm] del ban Rainshadow: at least watch the first few minutes
[Today at 04:04:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: experience the wonder of You On Kazoo
[Today at 04:05:33 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: My mum's sitting near me
[Today at 04:05:41 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: She'll geive me weird looks
[Today at 04:06:15 pm] del ban BatLord: I still haven't watched it, I dunno if I should.
[Today at 04:06:17 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my sister's right next to me and I've been giving her a play-by-play, and she's giving me weird looks
[Today at 04:06:22 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it's not that bad
[Today at 04:06:32 pm] del ban Rainshadow: Batty, you should really watch it; it's amazing ;D
[Today at 04:06:49 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh, it's at 58 now! I can feel the age return to my body!
[Today at 04:06:54 pm] del ban BatLord: Get off my lawn!
[Today at 04:06:56 pm] del ban Rainshadow: yay!
[Today at 04:07:24 pm] del ban Rainshadow: bit of a bummer; I wanted to watch you get unborn. still, at least you're not becoming an annoying little kid again :p
[Today at 04:07:45 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: I would rather not do it right now
[Today at 04:07:53 pm] del ban BatLord: Yup, I'm becoming the crotchety old grandpa I've always dreamed of becoming.
[Today at 04:07:53 pm] del ban Groddil:
* BatGrod is back
[Today at 04:07:58 pm] del ban Rainshadow: but you must watch it eventually
[Today at 04:08:03 pm] del ban Rainshadow: hello, BatGrod
[Today at 04:08:04 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: I will
[Today at 04:08:07 pm] del ban Rainshadow: my basement is still locked
[Today at 04:08:10 pm] del ban Groddil:
* BatGrod Is in great pain
[Today at 04:08:21 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: I have swimming in the morning
[Today at 04:08:24 pm] del ban BatLord: I'm sorry, meyou.
[Today at 04:08:30 pm] del ban BatLord: Ooh, how early?
[Today at 04:08:41 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Rainshadow's Sister fills a salt shaker with rat poison and shakes it into BatGrod's mouth
[Today at 04:08:51 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: 8:30
[Today at 04:08:54 pm] del ban Groddil: mooooaaaaannnnnnnnnn
[Today at 04:09:03 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: It's okay
[Today at 04:09:10 pm] del ban Groddil: (its 9:00am here, ashenWYTE)
[Today at 04:09:19 pm] del ban Rainshadow: it's 4:09 PM here! :D
[Today at 04:09:20 pm] del ban Groddil: (9:09, actually)
[Today at 04:09:23 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: I'm in Singapore
[Today at 04:09:27 pm] del ban Groddil: (oh wait, it's 4:09pm)
[Today at 04:09:33 pm] del ban BatLord: Okay, I've heard horror stories of swimmers getting up at 5:30 to swim.
[Today at 04:09:37 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: Time zones are differnt
[Today at 04:09:42 pm] del ban BatLord: (7:09)
[Today at 04:09:58 pm] del ban Groddil: nYYaaaarrRRrGJhHH
[Today at 04:10:05 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I was about to say, "Wait, Grod, you live in the same time zone as me?" xD
[Today at 04:10:13 pm] del ban BatLord: Oh, how's Singapore?
[Today at 04:10:17 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson bludgeons BatGrod with a sledgehammer
[Today at 04:10:26 pm] del ban  * Rainshadow cheers on Watson
[Today at 04:10:29 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: Singapore is hot
[Today at 04:10:34 pm] del ban Groddil:
* BatGrod 's spine shatters
[Today at 04:10:46 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Waston shoves BatGrod into a wheelchair
[Today at 04:10:57 pm] del ban Groddil: Okay, BatGrod. Time to go for a little walk
[Today at 04:11:23 pm] del ban Groddil: NOOOOO
[Today at 04:11:26 pm] del ban Groddil: PLEEEASSSEEE
[Today at 04:11:50 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson wheels BatGrod's wheelchair up the basemet stairs
[Today at 04:11:52 pm] del ban Rainshadow: you go, sis! beat up the amalgamation!
[Today at 04:12:00 pm] del ban Groddil: Imooto, can you unlok this?
[Today at 04:12:07 pm] del ban Rainshadow: sure!
[Today at 04:12:15 pm] del ban  * Rainshadow unlocks all 4 locks
[Today at 04:12:45 pm] del ban Groddil: Thanks, Imooto.
[Today at 04:13:29 pm] del ban Groddil: Shouldn't it be "???? ?"
[Today at 04:13:32 pm] del ban  * Lord Ashenwyte brings out the chaineaxe
[Today at 04:13:39 pm] del ban Groddil: with a u instead of 2 "o
[Today at 04:13:41 pm] del ban Groddil: "s?
[Today at 04:13:41 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: *chainaxe
[Today at 04:13:47 pm] del ban Groddil: SHUT UP
[Today at 04:14:01 pm] del ban Rainshadow: yeah, my sis isn't good with Japanese; she wouldn't know that
[Today at 04:14:32 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson slices off one of BatGrod's legs and stuffs it into his mouth
[Today at 04:14:35 pm] del ban Groddil: Mmmmm
"meaction">* Watson wheels BatGrod out of the house
[Today at 04:14:55 pm] del ban  * Lord Ashenwyte revs up chainsaw and smashes up the house with it
[Today at 04:14:58 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson loads BatGrod's wheelchair into the back of a nearby SUV
[Today at 04:15:08 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: *chainaxe
[Today at 04:15:12 pm] del ban Groddil: Relax, BatGrod. We're just taking a little drive...
[Today at 04:15:31 pm] del ban Lord Ashenwyte: KILL, MAIM, BURN!
[Today at 04:15:53 pm] del ban BatLord: Ooh, is there a party at Rain's house?
[Today at 04:16:01 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson drives to a nearby cliff
[Today at 04:16:09 pm] del ban Rainshadow: there's always a party at my house; it's a pity party
[Today at 04:16:09 pm] del ban   *Lord Ashenwyte chases after SUV riding a Chariot of Tzeentch
[Today at 04:16:13 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson takes the wheelchair out an places it on the cliffside
[Today at 04:16:25 pm] del ban Groddil: Don't worry, BatGrod. I'm not pushing you.
[Today at 04:16:29 pm] del ban Groddil: mmmmmm
[Today at 04:16:38 pm] del ban Rainshadow: I AM!
[Today at 04:16:44 pm] del ban Groddil: it is a shame that the cliffside is slightly sloped, though
[Today at 04:16:50 pm] del ban  * Rainshadow comes flying out of nowhere and kicks BatGrod off the cliff
[Today at 04:17:00 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson ignores BatGrod's pleas and gets back in the SUV
[Today at 04:17:22 pm] del ban Groddil:
* BatGrod's  wheelchair retcons Rainshadow and slowly moves towards the cliffs
[Today at 04:17:24 pm] del ban BatLord: Welp, there goes BatGrad, unless he survives this somehow. Which he will, of course.
[Today at 04:17:43 pm] del ban Groddil:
* Watson puts on sunglasses and drives away as BatGrod explodes
[Today at 04:17:43 pm] del ban  * Lord Ashenwyte revs up chainaxe and smashes the wheelchair with it
[Today at 04:17:51 pm] del ban Groddil: THE END

  I hope you enjoyed this adventure.  Please remember to like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more of this content.

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The Skarzs

I didn't realize how long that was until after I got about a fourth of the way through.

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.