is this?
Option 1: EPIC!!!!
votes: 52
Option 2: LOL out of my chair!
votes: 50
Option 3:
votes: 5
This is simple and hilarious.
We just keep making up ways to get kicked out of walmart till we reach #1,000.
(Please abide by forum rules!)
#1.Set all the alarm clocks at 10 minute intervals throughout the day.
#2.Turn on all the checkout lights that are off, on.And all the ones that are on, off.
#3.Grab some friends and make them help you turn on all the singing toys at once and then act as condutor.
#4.Have a shopping cart race with a friend.Every time one of you knock something over, put 10 seconds on your/his time. By the time your kicked out you wont know who won. :D
#5.Put random bags of candy in random peoples carts.
#6.Find a princess costume, put it on, grab a wand and stand on the stepladder, whenever someone walks bye say "Your wish is granted!"
#7.Hand out Target coupons at the front door.
;D ;D ;D
HAHAHAHAHAHAH That's awesome!!!
8 spill some soap then slide on it down the isle
9 get a bunch of nerf guns and foam swords and start shooting everyone with them while yelling RRRRRRREEDDDDWWAAALLLLLLLLLLLL!
10. Run around yelling 'HELP, FIRE, MURDER!'
11. Wait behind a shelf and pounce on people.
12. Grab all the candy and shove it in random peoples' faces.
13. Offer candy to little kids to annoy their parents.
14. Grab something out of someone's shopping cart and replace it with the same thing in a different brand. ;D
15. Stand by the shelf with chocolate on it and badger people until they buy some.
16. Pour oil on the floor next to the checkout.
17 use the bathroom in there toilet thats on display
play baseball in the middle of walmart
Grab as many snack bags off the shelves as you can, and stuff all of it in your face
20. Take all the legos and build a throne from them to sit in.
21. Take the nerf guns and set up targets right next to the store clerks desk.
22. Pitch a tent in the middle of the store, play guitar, and sing 'I'm not wearing underpants today!!!'
23. Rollerskate down the aisles singing the aforementioned song.
24. Tell people what to buy.
oh my gosh once there was this dude who was pretending to fight people with a light saber he was like 25!
24. take a box of granola bars a table and put toothpicks on them and pretend to be giving out free samples.
25. sit in the produce section and throw lemons at people yelling "Here are life's lemons!
26. Go to the art isle and start painting murals all over the walls.
27. Grab peoples' carts and tell them you'll check out their stuff for them.
28. Run to the make up isle and yell "THERE'S A DEAD BODY IN ISLE 4!!!!!"
29. walk up to an old man and say "Grandpa your alive it's a miricale!!Etc."
30. Walk up to a random person and say "I haven't seen you in FOREVER!" And start a conversation, see if they play along to avoid emmbarisment.
31. Mix up all the CDs and when someone comes to put them back in order, scream at them and mix them up again.
32. If anyone comes within a hundred feet of you, start screaming and yell Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmssss!!!!!!!!!!!!
33.Buy popcorn and throw it at people like theyv'e got married.
34.take all the barcode stickers off the fruit and put it on one piece of fruit. Go to chechout attempt to check it out, hopefully the fruit is unreconizable. ;D
35. Follow one of the staff around badgering them to give you a piggyback. ;D
36. Throw a tantrum because you want candy, even though you're by yourself.
37. Go in at closing time dressed like a hobo, and set up a sleeping bag in the store.
38. Bring some friends and play around the closed checkout.
I was drinking water while reading the top post and I had to swallow before I started laughing.
39. Stand next to the checkout desk and give everyone CVS and Walgreens coupons.
40. Find the stuffed animals and if you find a cat, pretend it's Tsarmina and yell at her. No one will have a clue what you're doing.
lol :D
Have a contest to see who can throw the object the farthest over all the isles
Sing "We are family" to everyone who walks by.
Set off soda rockets in the drinks isle
Set up a full scale figurine battle war o Spiderman v.s. Transformers in the middle of the toys isle
Cast your own radio show over the intercom
start broadcasting Kmart comercials ovr the intercom
47 Announce (over the intercom) that there is a sale on everything in the electronics department and the first 10 people to get there gets a FREE TV, then see what happens. ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D
48 show up at in a hazmat suit saying the store has been contaminated with a deadly cat virus and could kill there cats and make everyone leave then u start eating all there fruit when they are gone
sadly i have done 24
Start to sing or crack jokes over the announcing intercom :P
50. Get a skateboard and swerve around all the customers.
51 go around and if u see som1 putting something in there buggy say they are banished from walmart
52. Spill laundry soap all around the aisles
yell minecraft the whole time yor there
just a reminder try to number them so we can reach 1,000 alittle more easily without confusion ;)
54.put girls clothes in guy carts and guy clothes in girl carts.
55.Announce calmly over the intercom: Today is the end of the world and there is a sale in aisle 2
56.Start dancing througnh the whole store
57.Sing christmas caroles out loud (preferably in summertime ;D )
58.Grab some friends and sing in the music section, when people start to stare just say: This is the music section, I thought you'd like some live music, then continue
59.go in a dressing room and state loudly: There's no toilet in here!
60.put money on the floor, when someone tries to pick it up yell at them and walk off with a scowl ;D ;D ;D
61 announce everything in the store is now 99 percent off on the intercom
62. declare a pillow fight in the furniture area.
snatch all the chips in it and eat it all by myself
64. use it as a free running playground
65. Hide in a dryer, then then someone opens it, scream and smack their faces
66. Go up to some one and say, "Congratulations! You've won a hand smack!"
Random person: "What?"
You: *Smacks, then runs off giggling madly*
67: Go up to someone and say, "Tell me if this looks infected."
lol :D
Quote from: Wisteria Wild Cat on May 07, 2012, 09:15:50 PM
65. Hide in a dryer, then then someone opens it, scream and smack their faces
66. Go up to some one and say, "Congratulations! You've won a hand smack!"
Random person: "What?"
You: *Smacks, then runs off giggling madly*
Switch the items in the laundry section with the items in the fruit section
then switch the items in the fruit section with the items in the media section!
Grab a black marker, and scratch out the titles on the DVDs in the media section.
71. Put on sale tags on every item, for 80% off.
71. Call the cops and say that a clerk just assaulted you. Though she was just trying to kill that spider on your shoulder..
72. Juggle with the items at the checkout.
Take a pellet gun and break it put it back and seal the package so that when a person buys it they get mad and quit going there
Quote from: Wisteria Wild Cat on May 08, 2012, 02:31:50 AM
71. Call the cops and say that a clerk just assaulted you. Though she was just trying to kill that spider on your shoulder..
ha ha ha ha hahe ha ha ha
Quote from: Dannflor on May 08, 2012, 06:25:09 PM
Take a pellet gun and break it put it back and seal the package so that when a person buys it they get mad and quit going thereQuote from: Wisteria Wild Cat on May 08, 2012, 02:31:50 AM
71. Call the cops and say that a clerk just assaulted you. Though she was just trying to kill that spider on your shoulder..
ha ha ha ha hahe ha ha ha
75: open candy bags before you go to the counter and sit in the hall and eat them. :D
76. Open all the animal food and scatter it all over the floor!
77. Do the above, but instead of scattering it, mix it!
LOL, these are hilarious :D
78. Announe that walmart is closing down when it's not
79.say really loudly, "havent you heard that rumor about the fungus on the food in walmart?"
Squirt ketchup all over the floor, pretend it's blood,and yell Oh No! The Redwall vermin are attacking!
this has to be 1 of my favorite topics
81. Put real animals in the stuffed animals aisle
Put a lock on the freezer items, with a code that opens it, and only you can understand it :D
82. Ask the clerk if he or she can do the hokey-pokey.
*Turns on a boom box and dance*
"You put your left foot on
You put your left foot out.
You put your left foot in
And shake it all about. . ."
83. run around the store and yell "i just lost the game!" till the employees start chasing you then leave as fast as possible.
oh and here y'all go....
http://redwallabbey.com/forum/index.php?topic=870.0 (http://redwallabbey.com/forum/index.php?topic=870.0)
84. laugh at every one.
85. brake all the doors down that say employees only
86. Start yelling out random names of random food items and run all around the store
87. Get everyone in the store to do the Michael Jackson Thriller dance
88. Run into the store and yell "What's the year?"
When someone tells you, you run out screaming "It worked!!!!"
89. Do the chicken dance in the middle of the store
90. Slide an invisible rope where ever the co workers work
91: Do ninja attacks on every other person that walks in the door
92: Take a nap on a popular item and when someone asks you to move say, 'I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow.' and keep on snoring.
93: Sing random Redwall songs at the top of your voice.
Haha nice one
94: take the legos and build a huge battle seen MOC.
95: Throw food at people.
96: eat lots of food.
97: put drink all over peolpe.
98: put up a pool in the middle of the store and and tell all the kids to swim with you.
99: brake all the tv screens.
And now for the 100 : only say "hi" 100 times
bowl is more entertaining, please shorten those up by pressing the "enter" button... you stracvhed the screen, thanks
Yes, Leatho, please don't stretch the screen.
Get a squirt gun, and fill it with honey. Squirt honey all over the aisles, and on the vegetable section.
102. Go to the fruit section and take a bite out of every apple. Then do the same thing with the pears. Cut a slice out of every orange and eat it.
103. Get down boxes of toothpaste and a toothbrush and use one of the toothpastes to clean your teeth. Then clean your teeth with the next toothpaste...then the next one...then the next one. Keep on doing it until someone stops you.
104. Paint yourself green and stand next to the cucumbers. Say 'BOO!' to people who come to buy them.
105. Tell everyone that the staff are zombies.
106: Say BRAINS! and zombie walk around the asiles.
107: The only thing that you buy are corn chips and you start spending the night so that you can get more cornchips and then you skip work so that you can get more cornchips, ect.
108. Sing "My heart will go on by Celine Dion in a really loud and bad voice, and run all around the store while singing it.
109. Bring your ferret in. Let it see the pet food, but don't let it have any. Open some chip containers and put them in front of your ferret. Then let it go.
110. Take out all of the ice cream goods, and put all of them in the microwaves so the contents melt.
111. Take down all the banners and drape them around yourself.
112. Bring in a pair of scissors, and cut up the curtains in the home decor section
113. Go around pointing at random objects and shouting "WOW! THAT'S A LOW PRICE!"
^^Haha, good one.
114. Announce over the intercom that all the staff members are drunk.
115. Bring in a cage of mice and let them out!!
116. Go around kissing all of the customers.
117. Take a bite out of all of the produce.
118: Scatter packs of ramon around the store. The flavouring too.
119. Take all of the soda bottles and shake them up, then put them back.
120: Drug the food
121: Poison the food
122: Paint mustaches with yogurt on random people's faces
123: Open up all of the DVD cases and swap them.
124.Walking around in underware while shouting "I am in underware, everybody!
Come and see me!".
125. Start to squirt whipped cream all over the aisles
And Lol Ungatt, that's funny :P
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn on July 30, 2012, 01:01:20 AM
124.Walking around in underware while shouting "I am in underware, everybody!
Come and see me!".
Thats so wrong!!! (and funny!)
Quote from: Primrosewarrior on July 30, 2012, 01:12:17 AM
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn on July 30, 2012, 01:01:20 AM
124.Walking around in underware while shouting "I am in underware, everybody!
Come and see me!".
Thats so wrong!!! (and funny!)
Ha ha! That is funny!
126. Run around promoting Allstate by saying, no, yelling, "YOU COULD SAVE $500 WITH ALLSTATE, SO SWITCH TODAY!"
127. Bring a buddy and cans of silly spray. Have a silly spray war all over the store.
128) Hang around the icecream isle singing 'What would you do, for a klondike bar?'
129) Talk about how better the prices are at Target and Meijer.
130) Point to random items and say, 'Wow! It's a wonder what these muggles can dream up!' or 'How can muggles get by without magic?"
131: Rip all the bags you can find open
132: Send shopping carts zooming down the aisles.
133. Grab a stranger, look them dead in the face and say, "These socks that I'm wearing? I stole them. From this store. They're fuzzy!" It's even funnier if you're wearing flip flops.
134: Run up to people and steal groceries from their carts
135: Near Halloween, dress up as the Grim Reaper and just stand there, in an isle, doing nothing. Then, when someone walks up to you, jump out and scare them.
136: Sort of the same idea as 135, but this time dress up as a weeping angel. Stand there in a scary pose and just stare at people as they walk by, not moving. See how many people try not to blink! If they do blink or turn away, try to grab them and scare them.
137. Bring a chair from the chair aisle and some popcorn and sit eating in front of the TVs on display.
138. Get a price tag from something and put it on yourself, then stand in the pet aisle.
139.If you see a sign that says Walmart on it write below it in red "stinks".
140.Walk up to a random person and cry loudly into their shoulder.
141.Walk up to an employee in the shoes aisle and ask for a cheeseburger.
these are all so awesome!
138: run around the store screaming I FARTED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
139: bring a bag of snowballs and throw them at people. this is best if you are somewhere hot where people are unused to cold.
140: walk up to a random person and put them in a headlock
141: Go beserk and climb all over the shelves like a squirrel
142: tackle the manager of the store and say: hahahaha! i've got you this time! i will have my revenge!
143: Run around shouting out the Tarzan yell.
144. Put up a sign advertising yodeling classes (even if you don't know how to yodel).
146. Actually booby trap the vacuum cleaners, but don't yell about it. ;D
147. Follow one of the staff members round, tapping them on the shoulder.
148. Go up to a staff member and say 'You made a mistake.'
149. Dress up as a lion and roar at people as they go past.
150. Hide one arm under your jumper and put loads of little pink lollies on a tray with toothpicks. Put up a sign that says, 'Samples of my arm'. ;D ;D ;D
151. You push down a shelf wich starts a chain reaction and all the shelfs start falling on each other like dominos and it gos on and on...
152. Run to the store manager yelling, "MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA! YOU KILLED MY FATHER! PREPARE TO DIE!"
153. Read to the manager all the 152 ways to get kicked out of Walmart (not this on because your doing it at this moment).
154. Follow a store helper around, poking their shoulder and pestering, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? ..."
Quote from: WarriorOfMossflower on September 27, 2012, 01:03:14 AM
152. Run to the store manager yelling, "MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA! YOU KILLED MY FATHER! PREPARE TO DIE!"
hahahahaha! or, better yet,
155: say "baaaaaaaadraaaaaaaaang! you wont break me, i will return to kill you and take my father's sword! i am martin the warrior, son of luke the warrior!"
156. Grab some bananas and pretend to shoot guns off ;D
157. Buy a bow with those fake plunger-tipped arrows. Shoot arrows at the customers.
Lolz! I love that!
Quote from: Skyblade on September 25, 2012, 12:47:58 AM
137. Bring a chair from the chair aisle and some popcorn and sit eating in front of the TVs on display.
138. Get a price tag from something and put it on yourself, then stand in the pet aisle.
139.If you see a sign that says Walmart on it write below it in red "stinks".
140.Walk up to a random person and cry loudly into their shoulder.
141.Walk up to an employee in the shoes aisle and ask for a cheeseburger.
i love 140!
158. Grab a bunch of friends and make a conga line.
159. Mutilate the stuffed animals.
160. Say to some kid, "Get me outta here!" preferably in front of their parents.
161. Say over the intercom, "You are all stalkers. Stop stalking me."
162. Say to every kid you can find, "Stranger danger! Say, I have some candy. It's in my car, want some?" Again, preferably in front of their parents.
163. Offer boxing lessons.
164. Have a pool noodle fight with a friend.
Quote from: W0NWILL on October 20, 2012, 01:14:49 AM
158. Grab a bunch of friends and make a conga line.
159. Mutilate the stuffed animals.
160. Say to some kid, "Get me outta here!" preferably in front of their parents.
161. Say over the intercom, "You are all stalkers. Stop stalking me."
162. Say to every kid you can find, "Stranger danger! Say, I have some candy. It's in my car, want some?" Again, preferably in front of their parents.
163. Offer boxing lessons.
164. Have a pool noodle fight with a friend.
Ha ha! I love numbers 159 and 163 :P
What 169?
165 (Is that right?)
Act like a mole and talk to all the customers
(Thura and Dingeye.)
Quote from: Skipper on October 20, 2012, 08:09:56 AM
What 169?
165 (Is that right?)
Act like a mole and talk to all the customers
(Thura and Dingeye.)
I meant to put 159, not 169, lol.
166. Rock out on your air guitar, jumping off of walls, people, etc.
See how many people you can pinch and punch before you are arrested or killed lol!(there is no wallmart in nz so it s the warehouse for me)
168. Stare at a random person for a minute; scream and point at them.
Climb the highest shelf and tight rope to the next one!
Could you number them? It makes it easier for other people.
170. Open all the freezers in the ice cream aisle, making the ice cream melt, thus making Walmart lose money.
171. Do some "random dancing" from iCarly
172. Smash all of the eggs with a baseball bat ;D
Get a golf cart and chase costomers with it
174. Climb on top of an aisle shelf and start doing creepy laughing. My advice for the creepiest laugh: "NYAHAGNAHA!" (How to pronounce that:)
Don't listen to all five minutes of it or you'll go crazy!
Oh. wow.
175. Breath pepper and then sneeze on all the widows, one at a time.
176. Introduce yourself to someone. Then sneakily follow them around (but don't let them see you) and later on, introduce yourself to them again, but use a different name. ;D
177. Make a mural on the walls, using chocolate pudding as paint ;D
178. Go up to a random person and ask for their autograph.
179. Fall in step with a random person and walk with them for a while. Then arrange a friend to walk up to you after a while and then point to the random person you're walking with and say to the friend, 'Hi, [friend's name], this is my new friend!'
180. Start singing the Circus Afro song in the busiest part of the shop.
181. Follow someone around, and every time they pick up an item, give them three reasons not to buy it.
Rainshadow, I actually listened to that video for the whole five minutes and I didn't go crazy. :D ;)
182. Go to the garden section and spill bags of potting soil
183. Clip the flowers off of plants and hand them out to people
184. Grab a container of weed killer and yell, "This works on people too!"
Quote from: Orinoco on November 11, 2012, 11:24:52 PM
Rainshadow, I actually listened to that video for the whole five minutes and I didn't go crazy. :D ;)
Haha me to.
185. Build a pillow fort and than shoot eggs at people passing.
186. Shake up all the soda bottles and then take the cap off.......
187.Pretend to be the sheriff of nottingham and arrest costomers who "dont pay their taxes"
Quote from: phoenixfoden on November 15, 2012, 07:02:47 PM
187.Pretend to be the sheriff of nottingham and arrest costomers who "dont pay their taxes"
188. blow up half the building.
189.blow up the other half of the building
one-eighty-ten: blow up the third half of the building!
191: Blow up the food >:D
195: Make a castle out of the legos, take all the bow, arrows and swords, and play Redwall!
Some number: Climb up on the countertop and do a little jig. Then fall off. -Ow-
197: give people false money but tell them it's real
198: Follow people around and step on the backs of their shoes, giggling each time. Or, you could also instead of giggling, say this: "Oh, sorry, it won't happen again." Each time. Then you do it again!
199. Get some friends. Ride bicycles through the store, with each bike having one friend pedaling behind and the other balancing slightly off their feet in the front, hanging on to the handlebars. And while you're dong it, scream out "Life is great, woohoo!!"
200: Walk around holding hands with a friend, and when someone walks close to you, make a little bridge with your arms and swing it over them. ;D
Some number: Get a reaf blower, turn it on, go to the clerk and suck off their face. Then shoot it onto another persons face.
-Squidward laugh-
202. Run around and set everything on fire, but don't forget to sing the song, 'Set the World on Fire' as you're doing so.
203. Wear caveman clothes and run all around the store screaming wildly
204.get some dogs and cats and feed them the pet food
205. Unpack all the toys and play with them.
205.Make a water slide by spilling all the soft drinks
207: run around saying "GIMME ALL YOUR MUNNIES!"
208: put fake puke everywhere
209: open the salt and the sugar, and change them out, so that the salt containers have sugar, and the sugar containers have salt
210: walk up to a random person and say "eeew, who farted?"
211: break every single glass item in the store
212: yell about palindromes
213: fine the strange thing about this post
213: (the real one) have a lengthy conversation with customer service where you never actually get to what you need help with
214: dip yourself in molasses and then hug random people
215: dip other people in molasses
216: summon the almighty herobrine
217: get a sledgehammer and break everything
phew, ten things, that's more than i've ever seen in one of these posts....
Gee I didn't know this was going so great! ;D
208: Go christmas caroling through all the aisles in Walmart (instead of down your block)
209: Buy every christmas tree in stock on Decmber 1
210: Have race with your friend who can ride the kiddie bikes the longest without getting thrown out.
211: go 2 the book section and take all the bestsellers out and hide them throughout the store.
212: tape a :) sticker to every bathroom mirror
213: Go 2 customer service and demand a refund for ______ when they ask for the receipt tell them you don't have it. If they ask for the item tell them you don't have it. When they refuse, scream, I'LL GET EVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And storm out.
214: Go to the baking aisle with friends (come dressed in an apron and with a video camera) and start your own cooking show. demonstrate how to bake with a boxed cake recipe. place the finished product (all made with walmart items) in a walmart oven. (make sure you bring an already baked cake to star in your final scene!!!!)
215: drool over all the bags of candy in walmart
216:play a basket ball game with a walmart basketball
217: drink soda from the soda aisle
218:Hide in the middle of circular clothes racks and pop out and scare people.
219: scream at someone walking by, "You're about to step on a cockroach!!!!"
220: Play on the demo store nintendo the whole day, and whenever a kid wants a turn say, "I was here first!"
221: stare at the locked-behind-glass-wii games and press your face agaist the glass and make smears all over it!
phew! ;D
Spill all of the flour all over the aisles ;D
223.find some rc cars and have a race!
224. start a huge pie fight ;)
225: Shut off the power.
226: While the power is down, cover yourself in glow-in-the-dark items and run through the store, screaming at customers
227: Open the doors that say 'Fire Exit Only'
228.Take bites out of all the food
229: Have a food fight
230: Open all the freezers
231: Start dancing Gangnam Style in the middle of the store and get everybody to join you
232. Go up to random teenage girls and say 'One Direction sucks!' and see if they punch you in the face. ;D ;D ;D
233.if they do punch you punch a tough looking person and say they did it,causing a riot.
234. Hide behind shelves and chuck food at people
235. Dance on the checkout counter
236. Leave the water running in the bathrooms, causing a flood
237.use all the soap in the bathrooms
238. Cut holes in the clothing
239. Scream 'MY PRECIOUSSSSSS!!!' while holding a soda bottle, bag of candy, or something of the sort
240. Stand up in the basket of a shopping cart and have a friend zoom you around the store while both of you sing 'We wish you a merry Christmas...' *NOTE* 240 is better when done in mid-July
241. Bring some friends, and all dress up in fursuits. Stand at the ends of aisles and stare at people in a creepy way.
241.go to the toilets and get all the toilet paper and wet it.make a huge ball of wat paper and throw it at a wall!
242. Go around ripping price tags off of things
243. Chuck any form of ball that bounces around the store
244. Get a motorized cart (whatever you call those handicap shopping carts) and crash into the first thing you see
WOW people, this has turned form getting kicked out of Walmart to getting behind bars;)......lol
i love reading these, very funny what bored people come up with:)
Yes. Because we're that awesome. And bored.
245. Spray whipped cream in the manager's face
246. Open all the cards that have music at the same time
247. Roll spare tires down the aisles
248. Play a game of catch with an egg as the ball
249.find the light switch and turn off all the lights.
250. Splash grease all over the floors and slide into people
251. Go up to people and randomly draw mustaches on them
252. Paint the walls with multiple neon colors
253: Grab all the sports gear and hide it in various places (preferably under shelves or locked bathroom stalls)
(actually done this ;D )
254.put on every item of clothing in the shop and run around the shop.
255: Rearrange things so that nobody can find what they're looking for.
256: Lather all items in glue so that they will stick to customers' hands
257: Fling globs of peanut butter at security cameras
258. Hide inside the clothing racks and, when someone walks by, looking for clothes, scream "PICK ME!! PICK ME!!"
259: Strap wet bars of soap to your feet and try to skate around the store, knocking over as many people as you can
260: Start a congo line
261: Start doing the Macarena and force all customers to join you
262: Change the price tags. I. e: a one dollar can, exchanged for a hundred dollar stove.
263: Laugh like a maniac over the intercom
264: Grab a random person and tango down the aisles with them, trapping others between you
265: Grab a toy lightsabre and whack people
#266. dress up as pirites with ur friends and start raiding plundering and booting peoples shopping carts while screaming "ARRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH YA GOT OFF EASY TODAY!"
#267. knock stuff off shelves and take them down. set them up at different angles in the isles and roll marbles and golf balls down them.
#268. take the shelves and make seesaws .
269: Ride a lawnmower down the aisles, bowling away everything in your path
270: Randomly jump into someone's shopping cart and sing an annoying song
271: Hit people on the head with bananas
(Correction for 266: No, you have to sing, "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!")
Lol. #272 run around the store beating your chest and yelling "ME TARZAN KING OF THE JUNGLE!" and swinging frokm ropes tied to the rafters. #273. dress up as annoying munchkins and skip around the store singing and laughing and stealing candy. #274 get leaf blowers and blow the leaves into the store and all over people.
275: Dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West and scare people as they walk by. Scare them by screaming, "I'M MELTIIIIING!!!"
276: Poke holes in the milk jugs
277: Rip open any package you can find
278: go around punching people.
279: Jump into the path of shopping carts to see if the person will stop
280: If the person does stop, yell at them
281: If the person does not stop and instead bowls you over, grab their leg and trip them
282.Headbutt as many employees as you can. one tooth=1 point.
283: Have a Nerf war
284: Open all the DVD cases and mix the DVDs
285: Hang a sign outside that says 'All Walmart purchases are free for the day!'
286.start watching the dvds on a dvd player and say your "trying before you buy"
287. Get a whole bunch of people to dance 'Gangnam Style'.
288. Put LOLkitteh posters up in front of the posters with ads on them.
289. Dress up as Martin the Warrior and kill people with swords.
290. Take the CDs out of their cases and take a knife to them, scratching them up.
291. Play dubstep music REALLY LOUD!!
292.find the art and crafts section and spill all the beads over the ground so people slip up.
293: Like 292, except you use marbles and bouncy balls
294: Scribble on the price tags, making them illegible
295: Scream on the intercom
296.when someboby is about to pick somthing of the shelves scream nooooooooooo! And tackel them to the ground
297. When you see someone pick something off the shelf, say 'Do you mind?' very loudly.
When sombody puts somthing in there trolley,take it out and put it back on the shelf.
299. Go to the video game section and plant yourself in front of the demo. Play the demo and don't leave. Just sit there, playing the demo all day and not giving it up.
300. Go to the video game section and stick your nose up to the glass, breathing heavily and staring at the games. This will (hopefully) fog up the glass and make it so that no one else can see anything.
301. tie tripwires at ground level so people will trip over them. 302. like in roller coaster rides, get snapshots of them falling over. aim for the faces. 303. spray paint the floor into a chessboard pattern and force costumers to b the pieces. (this will especially work if you give them outfits for the game. remeber both in black and white.)
304.Open up snacks from the shelves and share them with costomers.
305: Find any fruit/vegetable that will explode when whacked (i.e.: pumpkins) and get a hammer
306: Walk up to someone's cart, put said fruit/vegetable in the section meant for babies, and use the hammer
307: Not only use the hammer on the fruit/vegetable, but also bonk the person (gently, mind you) on the head so that they will not remember what happened
308: (just thought up a great one!) Walk up to a kid wearing a darth-vader mask and go."I am your father!"
309: Throw a toy pokeball at a random customer, yelling, "Pikachu, I choose you!"
310. yell FIRE! and Set the alarms off. 311. call the firefighters. when they get there Grab the hose and dows people.
312. Get the Redwall CD and play the Education song Blasting loud
313.Release a million rats into the store
314: Jump on a random person and scream in their ear "BADRAAAAAANGGGG!!!"
315: Shout 'EULALIIIIAAAAA' and tackle nearest person you see
316: Walk up to a random person, glare at them, and say, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
317. Pay loads of people to dance around while you and your friends sing. When shoppers complain, tell them you're just making a music video.
318: Dance on top of a shelf and sing, "Lairo Lairo" from the Long Patrol.
Quote from: WarriorOfMossflower on December 07, 2012, 02:38:00 AM
318: Dance on top of a shelf and sing, "Lairo Lairo" from the Long Patrol.
Nice!! Lol
319. Climb on top of a shelf and scream out: "I'M BATMAAAAANNN!!!" It would be better if you wore a Batman suit.
320. Pick up a small tree and look a customer dead in the eyes, saying, "This is my tree!" Then get right up in their face and whisper, "Trees hate you! Trees hate you!!"
321. get horses and ride them into the store. 322. find cows and herd them into the store, causing a stampede. 323. host a major food fight.
324. Dance Gangnam style in someone's cart
^^Hahaha. ;D
325. Wear wacky sunglasses with glitter on them and go around walking backwards.
326. have a game of kickball in the store 327. hire a rock band to play inside during store hours
328. Release all of the zhu zhu pets all over the store
329: Steal a person's cart (the classic)
330: Read this list over the intercom
331: Use some sort of knockout gas to put the whole store to sleep
332: After doing 331, go around and draw moustaches on people using magic markers
333. Run through a crowded area with your cart screaming and knocking people over
334. Scream at a random person "I HATE YOU!!!!"
335. take all the stickers from the lady at the front(if she's there that day) and stick them on random people XD
336: Stand at the door and give creepy smiles to the customers
337: While creepily smiling, say, "Walmart is a horrible place to shop. You should go to Target instead."
338: As an alternative to 337, scream at the customers you see: "Turn around right now! The food is poisonous! The electronics are fakes! The toys are ALIVE!"
339. Run around screaming 'THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING!' See how many people start freaking out.
340. Instead of just screaming "the end of the world is coming" freak out and start screaming at the top of your lungs "THE END OF THE WORLD IS TODAY!!!!!!"
341. Hide in the store and eat all of the food
342. Do a chemistry experiment inside walmart
343. After doing 342 blame it on the manager
343.eat some of the sample foods and pretend to die.
344.park your car right in front of the shop doors so nobody can get in.
345. Hire an actor to eat the samples and pretend to die. ;D
346. Follow all the customers around while tapping there heads.
346.do burnouts in the carpark
347: Ride a motorcycle through the store
348: Get a stepladder. Stand above the entrance. Dump buckets of water down on customers
349: Do 348, and when the customer looks at you angrily, point to the nonexistent person behind you and say, "They did it!"
350. Get a mob of people to try to go through the doors all at once so no one can get in or out :D
351.pick fights with random people and make a fistfighting tournament in the middle of the store
352. Put somthing in someone's pocket so that when they leave they look like they were trying to steal it!! ;D
353. Take a baseball bat to a cash register
354. Take someone's cellphone and call a random number (while running from the owner of the phone), singing Payphone (Maroon 5) to the random person.
355. Dress up as Santa Clause and steal things while shouting "have a merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!"
356: Sneakily stuff candy in your pockets and see if you're noticed. (Note: This may work better in a large crowd, where you can look unconspicuous)
357: Knowing that you have a terrible singing voice, attempt to screech 'Call Me Maybe' over the intercom
358: Also on the intercom: say 'Call this number or I will murder all of humanity!' and give a random number
have races with your friends on bikes
open a bag of candy and offer some to random people
has any1 thought of this STEALING
361: Barricade the entrance
362: Do 361 and peek out from a hole in your barricade. Yell, "You'll never take Redwall Abbey, you vermin!"
363: When you are reported to the police, innocently deny all cutsomers' claims by sucking noisily on your paw hand. (Silent Sam, anyone?)
Mattio, we have incorporated that theme. A lot. xD, though I hope nobody would ever think of doing this stuff for real. Back to the stealing thing though: you can still bend it in any creative way you want to. Don't worry, we already have a lot of repeats anyways.
By the way, could you please number your additions to the list next time? It makes it easier for everyone.
364: yell EULALIAAAA GIVE 'EM BLOOD 'N VINEGAR and wack people with toy weapons.
365. Crawl around like a baby and hug random peoples' legs, and say 'DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! :'( :'( :'('
366. Get yourself and two friends, and film an iCarly webisode in the middle of the store
367. Sing an 80's song in a high pitched tone in people's faces
368. Laugh like a maniac while taking bites out of the bakery cakes and pies
369. Mix up the labels on things.
370. Roller skate in the store
371. Have a sleepover with your friends in the store
Quote from: Redwallfan7 on December 20, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
371. Have a sleepover with your friends in the store
That would be awesome! 8)
372. Play hockey
373. Declare that you are now the king/queen of the store, ordering people around.
374. Declare today a national holiday and give people "free" candy and pastries. (AKA, stuff that you take from the store ;))
375. Take a friend and start waltzing around the store. This is much better to do when you have several couples that you can invite to dance around.
376. Cough on people.
377. Cough on people when you have some icky, contagious illness. ;D
378. Dress up like a Weeping Angel and stand in a corner. (Not sure if anyone's done that yet, but I'm doing it because it needs to be said ;))
379. Scare little kids!
380: you know those tall things full of huge bouncy balls? well stand in one of them with only your arm showing and see who screams murder first!
381. Go to the ball tower thingy and take out all of the bouncy balls, throwing them at random people.
382. Dress up as a hobbit
383. Dress up as a Jedi
384. Dress up as a ninja
384. (Extended) Dress up as a ninja and attack people, trying to use your nonexistent karate skills.
385. Dress up as Santa and tell kids "Yes! I am DEFINITELY getting you that for Christmas!" for something they want that their parents won't get them.
385. Bring a couple of cannibal friends and some knives. I'm not going into any more detail.
Lol, nice Wonwill.
386: Set up a huge trampoline and see what happens
387: Barricade all exits/entrances, trapping the customers within Walmart forever. Muahahahaha!
388: Run around and grab people by the shoulders, then say, "What is a Bagginses, precious?"
Quote from: WarriorOfMossflower on December 22, 2012, 05:27:05 PM
388: Run around and grab people by the shoulders, then say, "What is a Bagginses, precious?"
Or better yet:
389. Run around, sticking your hands into people's pockets, saying, "Wot's it got in its pocketsies, precious?"
390. Walk around and make a buzzing noise in people's faces
391: Have you and lots of friends dress up as rats, ferrets, stoats, weasels, foxes, wildcats and "attack" the store, chaining up the peolpe to worck as slaves, looting and eating. (If you do it say I told you not to)
392: throw a fake stick of lit dynamite at random people, yelling "catch!"
393: Act like Cluny the Scourge. 'Nuff said.
394: run around the store and hug everyone, including all the employees and find the manager and hug him/her
(Whoa! This was on its way to page 2! Allow me to revive it.)
395: Run around and bonk people on the heads with a toy club
396: Ride a skateboard down the aisles
397: Trip people and stand there whistling nonchalantly
398: run around and bonk people on the head with a real club.
399: ride a VW bus down the aisles.
400: trip people and laugh in their faces.
401: Force people to try on mismatching outfits
402: Try and fail to fly off a shelf, and land on some random person to break your fall
403: Climb into the basket part of the shopping cart and order a friend to zoom you around the store
404. Take everything out of someone's cart and throw it at them
405. Make a mess with spaghetti sauce and blame it on someone else
406. Take that spaghetti sauce and smear it on random people
407. After doing 406, push them down, point at them and yell "BLODDY MURDER!"
408:Drive around the electric scooters and bump into people
409. jump around on a pogo stick getting really close to people and "accidently" jumping on their toes
410. If they have a McDonald's, walk up to the cashier and say "Is this the Krusty Krab?"
411. Put your hands up like claws, stalk people and go 'BERLUD. BERLUD. BERLUD.'
412. Walk in 10 seconds after being kicked out.
1.get 5 to 10 people
2.dress them in wolf fursuits
3.run around as a pack and howl as you eat all the stores candy!!!!!! ;D
Sorry if someone already put this but, 113 scream YOU SHALL NOT PASS!! to everyone who walks in
115 Steal someone baby squirt muster over it's head and say " I choose you peekuchu", then throw it across the store shouting Peekuchoo
116 grab peanut butter and jelly and start singing its peanut butter jelly time.
Quote from: Martin the warrior on February 12, 2013, 11:50:33 PM
Sorry if someone already put this but, 113 scream YOU SHALL NOT PASS!! to everyone who walks in
Stand behind one of the checkouts and act as an employee trying to pay for their items and when it doesn't work tell them this problem has been going on for weeks and that you really wish that the manager would fix the equipment!
118 tell people to pray 500 rosary's for not buying cheese ma ha ma ha ( failed attempt at evil laugh)
OOWC: (btw, OOWC is out of walmart chracter ;D )
Let's try to get this to 1,000 guys! ;)
Go to the department where they sell dishes etc. Set up a feast on a diplay with food from the food area and invite passing customers.....
Go around with friends asking people to join your choir, then start singing through the whole store.
Open the board games and have a game day in the isles with kids!!!
Martin the Warrior bumped it down to the 100's...we're in the 400's, people!
422. Act like you own everything in the store (the food, the clothes, etc.) and use all of it like it's yours
423. Open all of there DVD's and wach them on there HDTV's.
424 go to where they sell the computers and turn on really loud annoying music
425 get some friends and run around the store dressed like cave men stealing food and matches and saying " me make fire "
426. Have an epic dance battle/party on the furniture.
427. Cosplay. 'Nuff said.
428. Do an evil laugh on the intercom and see how long you can hold it.
479 say I am your father to random people
(OOWC: I think you meant 429.)
430: Pull the fire alarm.
You know I think I did
431 after pulling the fire alarm get the fire extinguishers and spray it on random people screaming fire, fire, pants on fire
432: Chuck toy pokeballs at everybody who passes and say, "Pikachu, I choose you!"
432: Light the store on fire.
433: shoplift*
shoplifting basically means stealing from shops.
434 at the check out line get some friends and have them put a hundred piggy banks on the cash register and crack them open one by one.
if there is anything you don't understand about that just quote and ask ;)
435 After being kicked out the police see you and ask what you were doing sowly repeat in a stupid vocie " I ............. Ain't .................. Done ....................... No.........THing :P
Quote from: Martin the warrior on February 16, 2013, 12:42:15 PM
434 at the check out line get some friends and have them put a hundred piggy banks on the cash register and crack them open one by one.
Adding on to that.
436: All the money is foreign.
Quote from: Romsca on February 15, 2013, 07:50:48 PM
Martin the Warrior bumped it down to the 100's...we're in the 400's, people!
422. Act like you own everything in the store (the food, the clothes, etc.) and use all of it like it's yours
OOWC: My bad. Mea Culpa ;D
600 more people..... almost there!!!!
Then maybe I'll modify my first post to: 3,000 way to get kicked out.
437:line 2liter soda bottles all the way down the middle of the drins isle. Take each lid off. slowy drop 2 mentos in each one. Presto.... Fireworks!!!!!!!
438. Then shoot them at people and yell "Early Fourth of July"
Say every cuss word on the speaker and run ;D
Quote from: SPSF kodachorm otter7486 on February 17, 2013, 05:03:56 PM
Say every cuss word on the speaker and run ;D
I would never do that. :o
440)Kindly get shopping carts for everyone who walks in and let everyone know that everything is 50% off b/c Walmart is going bankrupt!!! ;D
*shame-shame* ;D
ok....... who said bad on the poll!
*Glares at everyone*
it's ok, free opinion etc. ;D
That was me!!!!!! :P
Quote from: cregga rose eyes on February 18, 2013, 01:03:21 AM
That was me!!!!!! :P
IT WAS??!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
JK!It's ok, was it an accident? Cause I can try resetting the poll, if it wasn't then great!!!!!!!!! :D
Quote from: winifred on February 18, 2013, 01:05:07 AM
Quote from: cregga rose eyes on February 18, 2013, 01:03:21 AM
That was me!!!!!! :P
IT WAS??!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
It's ok, was it an accident? Cause I can try resetting the poll, if it wasn't then great!!!!!!!!! :D
no it wasn't an accident. I think the things you post are funny, I just wouldn't do any of it.
We're not meant to actually DO it, we're just being silly. You don't think we actually DO these things, do you? :o
441. Take away all the movies you don't like and replace them with ones you do like.
442. Wrap up some clocks and give them to people, saying, 'See, it's a bomb! You can hear it ticking!'
443. Draw mustaches on all the people in the posters and things. ;D
444. Hold a consert using Walmart's gituars.
41.act like martin the warrior and run to the back of the store and act like your hitting vermin
42. Empty a bunch of of snack bags then check out all the empty bags.
(OOWC: Guys, we should really try to post the correct numbers so nobody gets confused.)
447: Go up to random people and tap their shoulder persistently. When they turn to ask what you're doing, say "Would you like some fries with that?"
448: Go on the intercom and let everybody know that all items in the store are free for one day only. Sit back and enjoy the flash mob.
449: Again on the intercom, tell everybody that Target has much better deals and that Walmart will soon be going bankrupt.
450:announce there is a rabid squirrel on the loose
451: even worse, announce that there is a rabid Mattio on the loose! ;D
452. Climb up one of there latters and then grab onto the ceiling before the latter falls. Then you are dangling from the ceiling!
453. Put on some of there scuba gear and try to cramb yourself into one of there fishtanks.
454. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are.
455. Bungee Jumping with a stiff rope
456. Open all of there games and play them.
457: Get some friends and build Redwall Abbey out of boxes, then have some of them pretend they are a vermin horde attacking it. You should be inside as the Abbey Champion.
Diving in to a dry pool.
459: Act like you're a spy/secret agent. Do somersaults through the aisles, "mistake" an innocent bystander for your enemy spy, etc.
460. Just kindly ask the manager to kick you out of Wall-Mart.
Didn't this topic used to be called 1000 ways to die? Or was that just me, that'll expalin the stiff rooe and pool thing.
Go to the sporting goods section, buy a paintball gun and ammo, and shoot the people who don't buy your fav. Brand.
462: Act like the Zombie Apocalypse is starting, and claim Wal-Mart as your fortress.
463:Claim you have the zombie infection, and chase several people till they have a heart-attack.
464. Get onto the Redwall Abbey Forum...using one of Wal-Marts laptops.
465. grab a bag of your favorite candy, and stare at it possessively, and say "My precious, my precious" all while walking around the store so people can see you
466: Go to the produce section, pick the best looking celery, and act like it's sword, and proceed to "assassinate" people by running behind them and poking them with it.
467: Dress up like a hobbit and go around asking people if they've seen a gold ring.
468: go around asking people what is in your pocket.
469: Go around acting bi-polar."hey, how's it going, man? Shut up! I hate you!" * stands staring at man for at least another minute.* "Do you like soda?"
469: Walk in wearing a black cloak and your face is all black and start crying like an eagle.
I used to be able to do a really good eagle screech, now I can't :(
470. Take there cakes and pies and start throwing them at people that are they'er.
471 run around the store yelling at people "YOU'RE NOT ONE OF US!
Wow guys this is my most popular thread :P ;D
472: Go to the 1st aid area grab some bandaids and make an endless trail winding all over the store final destination: Bathroom
473:Go to the womens clothing and pile tons of shirts in your cart. When the dressing room lady is gone/busy/etc. put all the shirts in one room all over the floor. Do this as many times to as many rooms as possible.
474:go to the child's toy area, mix up ALL the toys; allow them to spill in the aisles.
475. Shop at Wal-Mart for 9 hours, filling 29 baskets, but when you get to the chekout isle, you decied that you dont need any of those stuff.
476. Fill your cart, then bring your penny collection and slowly count them out! ;D
BTW, who voted bad?
Quote474:go to the child's toy area, mix up ALL the toys; allow them to spill in the aisles.
That already happens every school holiday time. :(
Quotethen bring your penny collection
There was an article in the New Zealand newspaper a few weeks ago about how Americans refuse to give up their penny coins, even though it actually costs something like 5c to make each one. Meanwhile many other countries have already got rid of their 1c, 2c and even 5c coins.
I haven't read all the entries in this topic, so maybe these ones (or similar) has been posted, but:
477. Open the packets of cookies and eat one from every packet.
478. Pee on all the winter woollen jumpers / sweaters / hats / gloves.
479. Use the webcams on all the demonstration computers to change the desktop wallpaper images to pictues of you pulling silly faces.
480. Go into the produce section and peel all the bananas and oranges.
481. Open all the Star Trek toys and put the contents into the Star Wars toys' boxes, and vice-versa.
482. Swap the labels on all the lemonade and vodka bottles.
483. Run around waving a sword from the toy section while shouting "
Eulaliaaaaaa! Give 'em blood 'n' vinegar!"
484: wave a non-toy sabre everywhere, and shout: AWOOOOOOOOO! I AM THE BLADE DANCER, PREPARE TO MEET YOUR END, FOUL VERMIN!
485: Run down the wine aisle running your arms down the shelves.
486. Put up a poster showing 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart.
Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on April 13, 2013, 11:40:47 PM
485: Run down the wine aisle running your arms down the shelves.
486: Run down the wine aisle running your sabre down the shelves.
487: Use the glass bottles for gun targets.
188. Use the glass bottles as saber targets.
Quote from: rusvulthesaber on April 14, 2013, 03:59:08 AM
Uhhh...it should be
488 :P
489. Open up one of there tents and make camp there.
Er, oops. 490. set everything flammable on fire
There's two 486 suggestions, so ...
492: Buy tins of sardines / anchovies, open them up and put one small fish in the pockets of all the clothing and the toes of all the socks and shoes. ;)
493. Count to 100,000,000,000,000 through a Megaphone at there store.
Probably not much good these days since computer don't really ship with in-built programming software any longer, but an old "goody" ...
494: Program all the demo computers with a delayed continuous loop that makes them beep loudly.
Some people used to do that with the school computer room so that five minutes after they left the computers would start beeping ... until the teachers simply started turning off the power to the whole lot when the end of class bell rang.
495. Put a snake in all of Wal-Mart's boots ;D!
496: Pretend to be mentally disturbed, and begin randomly screaming the name, "Willy!" And throw random things from shelves.
497: Throw knives at all the computers and tv's, and yell "EVIL TECHNOLOGY! This has tainted our world!!!"
498: Rearrange ALL the products in the store so they are on the shelves alphabetically, starting with the A's closest to the entrance.
499: Begin shouting ways to get kicked out of wal-mart, all the way up to 499.
500. Sing steampunk songs very loudly over the loudspeaker with the volume all the way up.
Quote from: rusvulthesaber on April 19, 2013, 08:56:51 PM
500. Sing steampunk songs very loudly over the loudspeaker with the volume all the way up.
Hey! We made it past the halfway mark :D!
501. Dress up as Mr. Monopoly and try to extort people that Mr. Monopoly owns Wal-Mart, so they have to pay the rent of $500,000,00.
502. Stand behind the cashier, just looking over the shoulder while they work.
503. Dress up in clothes from a different time period and act like you've never seen any of the stuff before. (Especially the TVs and stuff).
Quote from: KitrallStreamrippler on April 20, 2013, 10:25:55 PM
502. Stand behind the cashier, just looking over the shoulder while they work.
Even faster way to get thrown out ...
504: Stand behind the customers at the checkout watching them enter their pin numbers.
Quote503. Dress up in clothes from a different time period and act like you've never seen any of the stuff before. (Especially the TVs and stuff).
505: Dress up in futuristic clothing and walk around saying how quaint and old fashioned all the latest gadgets are, and that you remember learning about them in History class.
506: "accidentally" drop a torch in the beer ailse.
507: run around singing the nyan cat theme song while eating unpaid for pop tarts from the food isle
Ha! :D
508: Go to the fruits section, and proceed to THROW BANANAS!!!
509: Take contorl of the intercom and start singing "10 Billion Bottles of Beer on the Wall".
510: set a tent up in the middle of the camping aisle and start a 'campfire'
511. Get on one of there HUGE lawn mowers and start recking everything in the store!
Quote from: sir squidsalot on April 22, 2013, 02:17:30 AM
507: run around singing the nyan cat theme song while eating unpaid for pop tarts from the food isle
EAT Nyancat? That's awful!
512: Spontaneously combust
513. Ram shopping carts into the shelves so the stuff falls on the ground.
514. Buy a bunch of wine bottles(filled) and smash them on people's heads.
514 would literally kill people. Or at the very least, give them an extremely severe concussion.
515: Get a group of friends together and go around filling up multiple trolleys and baskets each with small items, then all go up at once to the checkouts and say "Sorry, I don't want any of this".
Quote from: rusvulthesaber on April 24, 2013, 04:42:33 PM
514 would literally kill people. Or at the very least, give them an extremely severe concussion.
Well, if you are going to get kicked out anyway....
516. Put BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! signs on all the shelves.
517: Put "Everything is FREE - today only!" signs on all the shelves and as an advert in local newspapers. ;)
518: Strap a bungee cord to the ceiling, and whenever someone passes under you, just jump down, steal all the sweets from their cart, and Boing! You're gone!
519: walk around wal-mart dressed as Link and ask random people if they've seen Zelda,if they decline, yell "LIAR!!!" and swing a "Skyward Strike" on their heads w/ a toy sword
520: wander around wal-mart in a bathrobe w/ a comb in your hair and act like your an amnesiac and you forgot where your house was
521: walk up to random people and say: "I don't know you, but i wanna kill you."
522: after they kick you out, say: "I'll be Bach!!!
523:ask if anyone wants a hug, if they refuse, spray mustard on e'm(store mustard)
524: Wander around wal-mart in a bathrobe asking everyone if they've seen Ford Prefect and complaining that your house was knocked down. (You'll need to have read / seen The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to understand that one).
525: Dress up as a Klingon or Wookiee and wander around speaking only in the language of the character.
526: Kick yourself out of Wal-Mart ;D
527: Start kicking everybody else out of Wal-Mart ;D :D
528: Ask people to kick you out of Wal-Mart :D ;D :D
BTW, what will we do when we have posted 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart?
529: Dump Sugar on everyone
i've read EVERY post on this thread
529: Go around all the staff saying, "I'm Donald Trump, and you're fired." ;)
530: Go around, and show them what the definition of pyromaniac is.
Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on April 30, 2013, 12:10:37 PM
530: Go around, and show them what the definition of pyromaniac is.
LOL, Dude
Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on April 30, 2013, 12:10:37 PM
530: Go around, and show them what the definition of pyromaniac is.
531: Set off ALL the fireworks in one go.
532: Set off the water sprinklers.
Quote from: Mathias_Rocks on April 30, 2013, 02:02:16 AM
i've read EVERY post on this thread
Wish that I could say the same :-\
533: Start playing Heavy Metal with there gitars.
534: Shoot marshmallow from a marshmallow shooter at people who pass by
535. Start randomly pulling things off of all the shelf's.
Ahem! Quick grammar lesson, Ungatt. The plural form of shelf is shelves, not shelf's.
Quote from: Tam and Martin on April 30, 2013, 01:24:58 AM
529: Dump Sugar on everyone
530: Dress up as a security guard and ask random shoppers to open their bags after they've been through the checkout, then break eggs into the open bags.
Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on May 03, 2013, 08:21:23 AM
Quote from: Tam and Martin on April 30, 2013, 01:24:58 AM
529: Dump Sugar on everyone
530: Dress up as a security guard and ask random shoppers to open their bags after they've been through the checkout, then break eggs into the open bags.
Eh, that should be 536, not 530 :-\
537. Shout out the Greek Alphibet through a Megaphone.
538: Go around the store and shave the heads of any passing people.
540. Run out of the Staff Only room dripping wet and screaming 'THAT WAS AWESOME!'
571: Scream bloody murder in the bathroom
572: Grab a movie camera and a gun and hunt through the store saying you heard Bigfoot was seen there.
573: Wear a shaggy bear costume and walk through the store pretending to be Bigfoot.
573: Play tag with the employees
574: run around in your birthday suit
575: shout "I AM A BELIEBER"
576: Run around shouting "The aliens have landed!" and pointing at random people saying "There's one! And there's one!".
577: Run around the store shouting "Earthquake!" and knocking everything of the shelves.
578: Fill up a trolley with lots of expensive items, and when they've totalled it at the checkout, pay using a bag of pennies (preferably pennies from a foreign country).
579: Run around the store pretending to be Chicken Litte yelling "The sky is falling!" and hiding under the tables, shelves, and checkout counters.
580: selling drugs
581: Screeching like a chimpanzee and jump on people
582: having fun
583. Dress up as Martin the Warrior and yell, "You shall never take Redwall Abbey!".
584: If you're an employee, wear a shirt that is not one of the officially allowed colour shades. ::)
585: Go tell an employee that you have a complaint to make about the store, then take them to an aisle and knock all the stuff off the shelves, then tell the employee that your complaint is the store is a mess
586: Go up to the employee who works near the section where they sell tables. Stand near a particularly flimsy table and ask him "Wanna know how animals eat their food...?"
584.5: Ring up a few random employees early in the morning and tell them the corporate uniform is now been changed to pink colours ... it won't get you kicked out, but it will get them kicked out. :)
585.5: Go tell an employee that you have a complaint to make about the store, then take them to a food aisle and tell the employee that your complaint is there are bites marks in all the food ... when they say there aren't, grab some and take bites out and sya "Yes there are, see".
587: Pretend you're a monkey and climb up all the shelves and jump on all the beds, swing from the overhead lights, etc.
588: when the loud speaker comes on crouch on the floor and shout "NO the voices are back!!!!!" :)
589: go to the camping isle and set up one of the tent and tell the other people in the isle that they can join you if they go to the food isle and bring back biscuits. ;)
590: Use one of the pricing devices and re-label all the items in the store to have an extra half-cent, e.g. $4.99.5
591. Find a remote-controlled car and take it to the longest aisle in the store. Then, demand that everyone gets out of the aisle. Claim that you have to get the car up to 88 miles per hour. (For added measure, hum the Back To the Future theme while you're making them leave.)
592. Open up there board games and start playing them.
593. Take a bunch of clothespins and go around clipping them to people's clothes.
Someone I know actually got kicked out of a store along with her date for doing this.
Quote from: Mask on July 19, 2013, 09:51:06 PM
Someone I know actually got kicked out of a store along with her date fot=r doing this.
Really? LOL! ;D
594. Tell the store manager the 593 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart that we have done already.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn on July 19, 2013, 09:55:36 PM
594. Tell the store manager the 593 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart that we have done already.
That's more likely to get you hired as the Security Expert. ;)
Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on July 19, 2013, 11:08:20 PM
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn on July 19, 2013, 09:55:36 PM
594. Tell the store manager the 593 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart that we have done already.
That's more likely to get you hired as the Security Expert. ;)
Really? ;D
595: Try to stage a fake police raid at Wal-Mart.
596: Get a bunch of people to meet you there, dressed in blue t-shirts and khaki pants.
597: Get a bunch of people to freeze simultaneously, all over the store, and stay "frozen" for five minutes before "unfreezing" simultaneously and acting as though nothing had happened.
598: Stand in the technology aisle with a sign that says "Down with computers!", and tell people about how technology is ruining us, and how computers are eventually going to take over the world and make humans into mindless zombie slaves.
599: Stand at the exit and whenever someone tries to leave, step in front of them and shout "Thou shall not pass".
600: When the checkout person says your purchases will cost $X, wave you hand in front of you and say "These purchases are free". When he says they're not, wave you hand and say it again.
601: When wanting to buy something really expensive (like a new TV), first visit the bank and get the money changed into bags of pennies.
602 hide in the clothes rack and when someone is looking through the clothes jump out shouting "pick me! pick me!"
603 run down the ile shouting "Death to all who like FISH!!!
604 smell everyone's clothes as they walk past you :D
605: hack into the speaker system (if they have one, aka PA system) and broadcast really loud Gangnam Style (xD)
602: Punch out a random employee & drag their body to the restroom, then tell anyone who asks that you're doing an undercover investigation.
603: Read the books/ magazines & act them out loudly & emphatically in the middle of the isle, possibly involving random passers-by against their will.
604: Steal a toy gun & use it to prank a cashier.
605: Have an angry meltdown at the test video games.
608 eat all the ice cream in the freezer isle
Quote from: BadgerLordFiredrake on July 29, 2013, 08:29:47 PM
605: hack into the speaker system (if they have one, aka PA system) and broadcast really loud Gangnam Style (xD)
Hahaha lol :D
609: Dress like a hobo, get a guitar & pace the music isle offing to play the songs on the CDs for less than the store is offering.
610: Dress like a hobo & stand guard over the bathrooms while paying disturbingly close attention to anyone who approaches them.
611 refuse to give back a toy you stole from a six year old and when his/her parents get angry start to cry :'( :D
Topic revive!
612: Go to the seafood ailse, get a large fish, and begin slapping people with it!
613: Go into the cosmetics area and smash all of the nail polish in sight on the floor.
614: Spill red nail polish on the floor and yourself, then scream, yell "Murder!", lie down in the middle of the nail polish puddle and try to look dead.
615. Borrow a table, plates and food from the store, and do How Animals Eat Their Food with a friend. Right in the middle of the store.
616. Act out asdf movie with your friends.
(So in essence, steal a llama, and drive it into a wal-mart... yay.)
617: Do the milk gallon smashing prank.
618: yell yo mama at everyone
619: take a perplexus from the toy aisle, and do it at the checkout, yell Yes! And NOOOOO! Loud a lot.
620: after the guy puts the bungees in the bungee metal thing, take them out and put them all,around the store or parking lot! :D :P
Revived cuz this Hasnt gotten to 10000
It was only 1,000 not 10,000.
621. Valk around 'oldin' advertizmentz for ozer ztorez zuch az Toyz-R-Uz, Target, an' Ukropz.
622. Brin' in a carrot an' ztart ztabbin' people viz it zhoutin' "AH FOUND A CARROT!!!!!".
623. Brin' zeveral friendz viz ye (optional) an' gae open zome packz o' gum an' ztart chevin' an' blovin' bubblez viz it.
624. Ztart zin'in Chriztmaz carrolz vhen tiz anytime except December or January.
625. Brin' zome friendz (again optional) an' ztart doin' Monty Pyzon zketchez.
627. Jump oot at people an' yell "NOBODY EXPECTZ ZE ZPANIZH INQUIZITION!!!" an' zen valk avay tae dae it tae ze next perzon.
Number 626 would get you kicked out of any where.
Ezpecially a Grocery ztore...Juzt imagine valkin' up tae ze zpam zection, takin' a can o' zpam from ze zhelve an' zen goin' around ze ztore zin'in' ze zpam zon'!
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on October 02, 2013, 07:50:21 PM
621. Valk around 'oldin' advertizmentz for ozer ztorez zuch az Toyz-R-Uz, Target, an' Ukropz.
622. Brin' in a carrot an' ztart ztabbin' people viz it zhoutin' "AH FOUND A CARROT!!!!!".
623. Brin' zeveral friendz viz ye (optional) an' gae open zome packz o' gum an' ztart chevin' an' blovin' bubblez viz it.
624. Ztart zin'in Chriztmaz carrolz vhen tiz anytime except December or January.
625. Brin' zome friendz (again optional) an' ztart doin' Monty anning m..
627. Jump oot at people an' yell "NOBODY EXPECTZ ZE ZPANIZH INQUIZITION!!!" an' zen valk avay tae dae it tae ze next perzon.
I couldnt fit my lol in the quote.. By the way, i found a carrot! No wage ferret meat candy army has rations.. Already planning an attack on this thread..
628. Let dogs loose in the store. Watch them proudly and shout 'Those are my boys/girls!'
629. Go up to the checkout workers and say 'Do you have a permit for this?'
630: Pull someone aside and begin explaining the air resistance of a sparrow when holding a coconut.
Then blow their mind by saying; "But is it an African, or European sparrow."
631; Insist that the prices are being supernaturally lowered by a god & start a cult
632: Insist that you can do the greeter's jobs better, then forcibly try to prove it in a creepy, obsessive manner on unwilling customers.
633: Lead in a guerrilla unit to try to find and destroy the heart of Walmart
634: Shadow any customer who looks at you the wrong way demanding karmic vengeance.
635: Ask the pharmacist which brand of pain killers will sell better on the black market
636: Yell at everyone that Monty Python is the best thing ever invented, and keep talking about it (and talking about it, and talking about it...) :D :P
637: Grab a microphone and start singing "What Makes You Beautiful" in the most croony, One Direction-ish voice you can manage.
Quote from: Jukka the Sling on October 29, 2013, 08:38:06 PM
637: Grab a microphone and start singing "What Makes You Beautiful" in the most croony, One Direction-ish voice you can manage.
Yep, I wound definitely kick someone out if that happened.
638: Play 1,000,000 Bottles of Root beer on the Wall with real Root Beer bottles.
639: Get in an argument with the manager of the electronics section because you can't find the Big Macs.
640. Endlezzly zay Zpam Zpam Zpam Zpam...
641.Knock all the cans over WHEN A WALMART PERSON IS STANDING RIGHT THERE, and point to someone else and say 'They made me do it' when they were nowhere near you!
642. the above, only accuse the walmart person
643.the aboves, only blame it on NO ONE, then announce over the inter com very calmly that it was you! and then say exactly where you are!
644. make farting noises into the intercom
and i hope no one trys any of this...
645: Start handing out cupons like candy tk all the shoppers.
646: Shoot everyone with a paintball gun.
647: Go and try on a bunch of footsie pajamas, and then run around the store dressed in them.
Quote from: Jukka the Sling on November 05, 2013, 11:32:26 PM
647: Go and try on a bunch of footsie pajamas, and then run around the store dressed in them.
That was a mental image I did not want to see.
648: Start screaming at random people for no real reason.
649:Start chewing Wal-Mart out -- over the PA!!! ( have actually done- I'm forbidden to go into ANY Wal-Mart now! :D)
650:Start dancing and then scream BLOODY MURDER!! STOP ME DANCING!! but keep dancing, no matter what they do! I tried this in Target the other day! ;D ;D
651. Start slapping people randomly.
652. Start hitting people in the face with pie randomly.
653. Start firiing water guns at people randomly.
654. Show the Wal-Mart manager this topic randomly. ;D
655: Start throwing random food at everyone!
656: Start a pie war!
657:act like Hollywood undead and start to rap the song undead
@SPSF kodachorm otter7486. You're supposed to a number before your post, that we can keep better trach! ;)
658: start ripping open packs gum and start chewing it!
659: Just chew the bubblegum, pack, shelf, and all.
660. Ztart runnin' around zcreamin' AH'M GOIN' TAE BE KICKED OOT O' VALMART! YAAAAAAYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha!! Head you are too funny!
661. Ztart runnin' around ze ztore zhoutin' AH AM TAAE FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! VAFFLEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. connect long hose to water fountain
2. lay hose in plastic kiddy pool
3. attach weight to water fountain activation-bar-thingy
4. wait
5. enjoy pool..... ;D
Go around with a 30 question questionnaire and ask everyone in store to fill it out.
Spend your life in the food court
665: Go around taking candid photos of everybody in the store.
666: Start yelling "Fire!" and open one of those emergency-exit doors that set off an alarm when you open them.
667: Announce over the store intercom that aliens are invading and that everyone should hide in the employees-only back stock rooms. (You know what I mean.)
Quote from: Jukka the Sling on November 27, 2013, 02:12:40 PM
666: Start yelling "Fire!" and open one of those emergency-exit doors that set
Scary number... ;D
668: get some friends, open some instruments from some boxes, and start playing the acoustic cover of Skrillex's "First Of The Year" on a tall platform.
669: bulid a castle out of toilet paper
670: put mistletoe over the main entrance
671: Go up to a random person and give them a hug and a kiss and yell "It's Santa Claus!!!"
672: go up to a random person and yell "HELP I SAW THAT GUY ON THE NEWS HE'S A CROOK
@doogy: Two things: Please, no double posting, and please don't stretch the screen. :)
673. Start pulling things off the shelves, take them to the grills and burn them.
Lol those are great ;D
Quote from: Jukka the Sling on November 27, 2013, 02:12:40 PM
665: Go around taking candid photos of everybody in the store.
666: Start yelling "Fire!" and open one of those emergency-exit doors that set off an alarm when you open them.
Uheheh, I accidentally set off one of those doors while on Vacation. The manager had to shut off the alarm.
674: Dress in camo & hide in the shelves in the garden section
675: Dress like a hobo, then run around, jumping into random people's arms & adamantly demand that you are a child of theirs that they left at Walmart years ago.
676. Bring some friends, get some airsoft guns and start an airsoft war in the store.
677: Gallon smashing
Quote from: Skipper on January 23, 2014, 07:54:02 PM
677: Gallon smashing
678: go to the garden section, and pretend to be a dryad.
Anybody crazy enough to do all of these things has serious mental problems.
681: Pretend like you are a spy and run around the store humming "Mission Impossible"
682: Curl up in the fetal position and start yelling for your mom
683: Pick your nose in the store security cameras
684: Run around yelling eulalia and smashing stuff.
685: Go around obviously setting up hidden cameras & hacking surveillance systems. Then, whenever anybody walks by, mutter & snigger to yourself about how Kmart will prevail.
686: Put Chia-pet seeds in a bottle & pretend to be offering free samples of new hair care products.
696. Run around with torches burning peoples hair
697. Push down the shelves and yell EXTREME DOMINOES!!!!!!
698. Go around chloroforming random people.
699: Ztart tryin' tae 'elp ozerz az a phzychologizt.
700: Explain tae ozer cuztomerz zat ye're an undercover employee an' ye need tae check zeir purchazez for ztolen oitemz.
701: Grab zeveral rollz o' paper-tovelz an' ztartz chuckin' zem at everybeazt.
I'm hoping you guys don't actually do this stuff......? :-\ :P
702: Actually dae ziz ztuff.
Quote from: ZaranTheBlack on May 01, 2014, 01:38:13 AM
I'm hoping you guys don't actually do this stuff......? :-\ :P
We mostly (pretty much not at all) don't do this. Basic pranks like dressing like a hobo won't get you in trouble. We don't really do serious things like staging a kidnapping or anything. :P
We're not
that crazy. :)
Well, never mind.
Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on May 01, 2014, 01:53:26 AM
Quote from: ZaranTheBlack on May 01, 2014, 01:38:13 AM
I'm hoping you guys don't actually do this stuff......? :-\ :P
We mostly (pretty much not at all) don't do this. Basic pranks like dressing like a hobo won't get you in trouble. We don't really do serious things like staging a kidnapping or anything. :P
We're not that crazy. :)
Well, never mind.
Aye, never moind zat. Ve're crazier! *Lopzided grin*
Quote from: ZaranTheBlack on May 01, 2014, 01:38:13 AM
I'm hoping you guys don't actually do this stuff......? :-\ :P
Why, of course we do!
Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on May 01, 2014, 01:53:26 AM
Quote from: ZaranTheBlack on May 01, 2014, 01:38:13 AM
I'm hoping you guys don't actually do this stuff......? :-\ :P
We mostly (pretty much not at all) don't do this. Basic pranks like dressing like a hobo won't get you in trouble. We don't really do serious things like staging a kidnapping or anything. :P
We're not that crazy. :)
Well, never mind.
What, you don't? Oh, you're missing out. I tried out the chloroform one a few days ago. It was fun! 0 O
Um, I know you tried to make a distorted face, but that's a little much. ;D
Uhhhhh... It lined up as I was typing it, okay? Try ctrl-mouse wheeling in a little. Might look better? Maybe?
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on April 29, 2014, 10:16:52 PM
699: Ztart tryin' tae 'elp ozerz az a phzychologizt.
I think you guys could use a Psychologist I as a matter of fact am planing to go into psychology so when I get my degree Feel free to come to me... and if you don't ill come to you.
Oh, no! I already have one, I don't need another!
Complaining is unhealthy. You must take a proactive aproach to life to feel happier.
Why don't you do that?
Because all I need to do to feel happy is cause you to become annoyed to insanity.
I don't think that is healthy. I diagnose you with sadism.
Woah, woah. Who has the degree here?
You do. But, one, you are me-
-and two, your degree is from an online college based in Botswana.
So it is invalid.
Oh no you don't!!!
I used to have a little brother who did that... Now I don't.
But I am you, remember? I know for a fact your little brother is indeed alive and still does that to you!
You won't know anything if I get my hands on you!
I am a figment of your imagination. You can not put your hands on me. Now, continuing my diagnosis, I see that you are psychotic and a pathological liar, plus *urk*
Yeah. You're a figment of my imagination. But I still control my imagination. Shrink, meet imaginary hand.
hey your shrink sounds an awful lot like my conscience. Maybe they can get together and have a good healthy argument. I call her Phil, don't ask why. Shrink meet Phil.
Ya, my conscience too. ;D But I won't tell you their name ;)
...What's a conscience?
haha very funny :P
You can barrow mine I only need Phil when I have caffeine anyway.
...Oh, consciences are like little voices in your head? I have one of those. It mostly tells me I should burn things. Flames are so preeeeetttyyyy....
703: Walk around in scrubs and try to convince random people that they're really in a mental hospital & the Walmart, their families & their lives are just vivid hallucinations.
704: Collapse on the ground screaming, ripping at your shirt and acting like a Xenoform is going to pop out. (That is what the Aliens from the Alien movies are called, right)
705: Tear pages out of the X-rated magazines & glue them inside the children's books.
706. Curl in a ball screaming and act like you are having a seizure or something. Then, when someone approaches you, run away and start shopping normally like nothing happened.
706: Cut the balloon strings. . . all of them.
707: Blov up Valmart viz a Deaz Ztar!
708: Drezz up an' zen run around loike Batman an' Robin!
So funny, I actually watch that version of the show. Not as good as the newer ones, though! ::)
709: Barf on the cash register.
710: Barf on the clerk running the cash register.
Well this might not get you kicked out but I so want to try this
711: Run around with a banana and a sonic screwdriver and ask people I they have see a man (Describe The Doctor Here) run by.
712: Hide in random places. When someone walks by, leap out hissing "JUDASSSS" at them with a crazed look in your eye.
713: Play hide & seek in the fresh produce area.
714: Go rock climbing with full gear at random places in the store.
715: Walk around harassing people with Satanist propeganda.
713. String Christmas lights all over the store.
714: Open up a can o' beanz, tazte zem, zpit zem oot in dizguzt an' zay "Bad Bad Beanz!"
715: Take out your wrath with grapes. ;D
716: Butter zome bread, take a bite, an' run over tae ze door an' zrov it oot, zhoutin' "AN 'ZTAY OOT!!!"
717: Do exactly what the last guy said, but with customers. Or employees. Or the Manager.
I do so hope that none of you are doing anything... illegal. (IF you are doing any of this stuff at all)
718: Cloimb on top o' ze zhelvez an' refuze tae come dovn.
719: Take av o' ze big bouncy-ballz oot o' vhere zey're kept an' ztart bouncin' zem dovn ze aizlez.
720: Dae ze zin' vhere ye azk for an employee, zen 'oide.
721. Pretend to murder someone else in the store >:D
139,501,843,810,740,038,964,016,389,701: Be really really obnoxious.
723. Have Skarz and Corny chase you through the store destroying everything in their unified attempt to obliterate you while you call back annoying and cheesy things at them (Oooh, isn't chasing Wylder together so romantic???)
Quote from: Faiyloe on May 06, 2014, 06:07:01 PM
I do so hope that none of you are doing anything... illegal. (IF you are doing any of this stuff at all)
I wouldn't dare to do most of this stuff. ::)
724. Take twa torchez an' ztart zpinnin' aboot fazt-loike loike a pulzar.
Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2014, 07:53:22 PM
723. Have Skarz and Corny chase you through the store destroying everything in their unified attempt to obliterate you while you call back annoying and cheesy things at them (Oooh, isn't chasing Wylder together so romantic???)
_ _
725: Try on all the clothes.
Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2014, 07:53:22 PM
723. Have Skarz and Corny chase you through the store destroying everything in their unified attempt to obliterate you while you call back annoying and cheesy things at them (Oooh, isn't chasing Wylder together so romantic???)
724: Kill Wylder for not letting the whole teasing thing drop, and not getting that it's an RP through his thick skull.
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on May 06, 2014, 02:52:48 AM
714: Open up a can o' beanz, tazte zem, zpit zem oot in dizguzt an' zay "Bad Bad Beanz!"
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on May 06, 2014, 03:54:40 AM
716: Butter zome bread, take a bite, an' run over tae ze door an' zrov it oot, zhoutin' "AN 'ZTAY OOT!!!"
Quote from: Faiyloe on May 05, 2014, 02:59:03 PM
Well this might not get you kicked out but I so want to try this
711: Run around with a banana and a sonic screwdriver and ask people I they have see a man (Describe The Doctor Here) run by.
All the Doctor Who references! This is
726: Grab the fish fingers from the frozen food aisle and the custard from wherever you get custard, then after cooking the food, sit in the middle of a random aisle, dipping the fish fingers in the custard.
727: With a friend, cosplay as the Doctor and one of his companions, then proceed to act out an entire episode in the middle of the store.
728: Gather a bunch of homeless people and have them go around just looking at the food.
Quote from: Cornflower MM on May 10, 2014, 10:27:59 PM
Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 07, 2014, 07:53:22 PM
723. Have Skarz and Corny chase you through the store destroying everything in their unified attempt to obliterate you while you call back annoying and cheesy things at them (Oooh, isn't chasing Wylder together so romantic???)
724: Kill Wylder for not letting the whole teasing thing drop, and not getting that it's an RP through his thick skull.
729: Be murdered by Corny in the middle of the store... :'(
730. Come to Wylder's rescue while knocking over all the shelves.
731: Smash everything with Thor's hammer!
732: Steal a speaker-thingie that they use to call employees to aisles and stuff, then start singing this into it:
733: Go to the frozen isle and eat all the ice cream.
734: Open up all of the ice bags and throw ice around while singing "Let It Go". :D
735: Spit on the doors of the frozen foods and clean them (Spit 'n shine)
735: Sig Katyusha. Very loudly. In Russian.
Quote from: The Skarzs on May 11, 2014, 12:40:55 AM
728: Gather a bunch of homeless people and have them go around just looking at the food.
736: Or, alternatively, gather a bunch of homeless people, tell them you'll buy them anything they want... then, sort of, just wander off.
737. Drav zmoiley facez in ze frozen-food doorz. (Ze fog)
738: Run around with fake retractable knives and pretend to stab people :-X
739: Run around with not-so-fake not-so-retractable knives and not-so-pretend to stab people.
740: Act out an entire Redwall-style battle, with foam swords from the toys section.
(All of these...or at least most..would make a great video for YouTube. Imagine getting a group of friends together, going to a Walmart, and recording yourselves doing these things until getting kicked out.)
741: sing the star spangled banner while waving flags in everyones face.
742: fall asleep on one of the display beds. (The ones that they put out to show what certain quilts and stuff look like on a bed.) When someone tries to wake you up, act like you're having a nightmare or just a really intense dream and scream: "THE WEASEL ARMY IS COMING! THE WEASEL ARMY SHOWS NO MERCY! WE MUST TAKE COVER, BEFORE THEY OVERTAKE OUR SQUIRREL OUTPOST!"
Pfff. weasels couldn't take squirrels. :P
So true! ;D Squiddels rule (Spelling intentional)
(Then you can swap the weasels and squirrels XD so that it's the merciless squirrel army.)
743: Goosestep around the store drawing swastikas on everything and yelling, "Hail Hitler!"
744: Have a sudden personality change and start burning everything you drew a swastika on yelling "Blasted Nazis!"
#745. Start bribing all of the cashiers to quit.
#746. Run around yelling "BOMB!!!!!"
#747: Start yelling about how much you love Target, and about how Target is better.
#748: Start randomly dancing, and grabbing people and forcing them to dance with you.
#749: Open all the candy and cereal, and throw it EVERYWHERE.
#750: Grab a phone, hodl it upside down, and start singing obnoxious songs really out of tune. And at the top of your lungs.
#751. Shatter all of the glass in the store and say "Ooh, shiny!"
#752. Start eating everyone's hair.
#753: Crawl along the floor and trying to eat people's toes shouting "I'll eat you all, humans!"
754: Call the Department of Homeland Defense and report terrorist activity in Walmart
#755. Call a local kamikaze and tell it to crash into Walmart.
#756 Gather up a lot of people and dress like the Walmart staff and walk around and tell people what to do!
#757: Start twerking. :P DX
#758: Turn all of the speakers in the electronics section as high as possible, making sure to play the most obnoxious music possible.
#759: Try to fold the screen of all the non-foldable laptops.
Non... foldable.. laptops? What? Those exist? That seems dumb...
Does seem strange, doesn't it? Doesn't that, like, defeat the purpose?
Quote from: rusvulthesaber on October 17, 2014, 11:42:05 PM
Non... foldable.. laptops? What? Those exist? That seems dumb...
Sorry; I meant the ones that you can fold the keyboard back and make it a tablet. :P
#760: Coat yourself in butter and slide along the floor yelling "Slip and slide!"
Ah. Tablet laptops. Don't get why people like them. It's slightly more portable with a smaller screen, a detachable keyboard, and an inferior OS.
I know right?
#761 Turn into a titan and eat everyone.
#762: Stand at an empty checkout booth and auction off products.
#763: Stand in front of a product's shelf and start giving a sales pitch to anyone who passes.
#764: Tell people your from the Kill Babies United charity and ask for money at the door.
#765: Pretend to be a staff/cop and tell people they can't buy X item and try to take it from them if they don't comply
#766: Ask people to sword fight/larp/boffer/nerf against you :P
#767: Force them to read a Redwall Book (you'll be doing a good deed!)
Lol ;)
#768: Free several tenants of a criminally insane asylum, who are mainly psychopaths, and give them knives and send them rampaging through Wal-Mart.
Um Oracle The Earl is beginning to influence you'r thinking.
No he's not! I don't know why you would think such a thing. Oops...
Earl... *Crosses arms, taps foot and raises eyebrow reproachfully* I know it is you. What did you do with Oracle?
Anyone that dares to search
Should start at a wizened birch.
Follow the greatest cheer to behold
In the place where the tales are told,
Where is the drink brewed and hid?
Search beyond the far shore.
And where are the falling cores?
This is where he's stowed.
Basically just guess at where he is from the riddle.
I have a better idea. *Zombie pinata runs over* GO find Oracle! *Zombie Pinata runs over to The Earl and crawls all over him sniffing him* *it gets the sent* *Jumps off and runs after the sent* There that should do it. All I have to do is wait.
MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! I shall never give the Oracle up until you solve the riddle!!!
(Check the insane asylum)
No, no. THat is him waiting in a room in any location waiting to be found! Solve the riddle and I regain my sanity except in the Insane asylum. >:D >:D >:D >:D
OH! Just wait here. I will be right back.
#769: Send a zombie piñata on a rampage through the store.
#770: Start welding the shelves together.
#771: Eat a plastic item.
#772: Lick an employee
#773: Crush an item that you didn't pay for.
#774: Bring a cow into Walmart.
#775: Dump water onto an employee.
@#772 Lolololo ;D ;D
#773. Start a life-size replay of LOTR with a real Mt. Doom and monsters.
#774. Start a life-size play of the Silmarillion with real monsters.
#775: Hide in the vegetable asle and throw vegetables at people.
#776 : grab a random book, hold it upside down, and pretend ur IQ is 20.
#777. Dress up as a zombe and chase all the people out of the store.
#778: Put an extra number on the front of every price tag.
#779: Take several cases of paint, climb up on a shelf and dump paint on passers-by.
780: Drag race down the ailes on a lawn mower. 781: Throw rubber ducks at people and constantly scream DUCK!
#782: Get unto the hear speakers and re-wire them to pla Heavy Metal all day.
783: fight down the ailes using french bread and cuncumbers.
#784: Take all the shopping carts and scatter them around the building.
785: Cable tie all the shopping trollies together then bulldoze everything!
786: Get hired as the person who hands out stickers and put them on top of people's heads.
#787: Upon one of those large cages filled with balls bad let them roll!
Another hilarious thread. Winifred has great ideas ;D
788. Run around the store screaming- it's unoriginal, but it works
789. Proclaim to everyone in sight that you have [insert any extremely contagious sickness here]
790: Try on the clothes as soon as you take them off the rack.
791. Bring a wild elephant in musth into Walmart and watch the carnage.
792: Use the checkout thing as a treadmill.
793: Take as many items into the bathrooms as you can leave them in there and go back for more as many times as you can.
Lol ;D
794. Drive your car into the store.
795. Break the glass that holds video games.
796. If there is store music (I don't remember but whatevs), change it to a heavy metal or little kid's song. Whichever seems more inappropriate.
The one Barny song ;D
797. Switch the signs for the men's and women's restrooms
Dismantle al the shelves. (798)
799 Take forever deciding on which gum to chose and hold up the line
800 Complain loudly too the manager that the security cameras are looking at you.
801. Brin' vone o' zeze in-
Zen again, ye could brin' anozer an' zen anozer in...
802. Keep brin'in' zeze in.
803 Engage your friends in a plastic sword fight! That's how I got kicked out. They sell machetes too, if you're that hardcore.
804. Toss airsoft guns to friends and begin to have a shootout. Talk in gangsta accents.
805. Talk in a foreign language on the intercom.
:D 806: sit down in the middle of the aisle and read a book while eating some chocolate :)
807. ...from a large boxed variety set of gourmet chocolate off of the Valentine's display. Don't pay for it.
808. if you see anyone wearing a superman shirt, shoot them in the chest, when they start bleeding, say "i guess not"
Quote from: Banya on April 20, 2015, 02:06:51 AM
807. ...from a large boxed variety set of gourmet chocolate off of the Valentine's display. Don't pay for it.
Funny she says "gourmet" at WalMart. ;D
809 Accidentally eat all the worms that are sold as beat in the Sporting Goods section.
810: bring in the target mascot dog
(i get the feeling the four people that voted bad were walmart employees :P)
811: Knock all the bananas on the floor.
812: Open up a checkout yourself.
813: Use the checkout conveyer belt as a treadmill.
814: Take one of the bikes and ride it around the store.
815: Eat all the free samples.
Quote from: Mhera on May 14, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
813: Use the checkout conveyer belt as a treadmill.
That's actually an interesting idea...
Quote from: BadgerLordFiredrake on May 15, 2015, 12:15:48 AM
Quote from: Mhera on May 14, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
813: Use the checkout conveyer belt as a treadmill.
That's actually an interesting idea...
Yep ;D You'd need a belt that will lock into "go" so you wouldn't have to have someone or something else constantly pushing the button, though, and I'm not sure Walmart has those. However, Sam's (or at least the last one I was in) does, and that company is connected to Walmart, so close enough ;D
Quote from: Mhera on May 15, 2015, 12:34:02 AM
Quote from: BadgerLordFiredrake on May 15, 2015, 12:15:48 AM
Quote from: Mhera on May 14, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
813: Use the checkout conveyer belt as a treadmill.
That's actually an interesting idea...
Yep ;D You'd need a belt that will lock into "go" so you wouldn't have to have someone or something else constantly pushing the button, though, and I'm not sure Walmart has those. However, Sam's (or at least the last one I was in) does, and that company is connected to Walmart, so close enough ;D
It would also be fun to be constantly pushing the button for someone to run...
and then releasing it suddenly >:D
Quote from: BadgerLordFiredrake on May 16, 2015, 03:41:25 PM
It would also be fun to be constantly pushing the button for someone to run...
and then releasing it suddenly >:D
Everything about that scenario would go you kicked out ;D
816:play TArget commercial on a the TVs
Quote from: Mhera on May 16, 2015, 07:43:08 PM
Quote from: BadgerLordFiredrake on May 16, 2015, 03:41:25 PM
It would also be fun to be constantly pushing the button for someone to run...
and then releasing it suddenly >:D
Everything about that scenario would go you kicked out ;D
817. Go to Walmart sporting your own version of Lady GaGa's meat dress.
Quote from: HanNorwood on May 17, 2015, 04:15:19 PM
817. Go to Walmart sporting your own version of Lady GaGa's meat dress.
818. Make your own meat dress at Walmart.
*Looks at above two ways and runs for the trash can*
819: Go along the aisles with your hands on the shelves, raking all the stuff off.
820: Throw fruit at people.
821. Walk on top of the shelves.
822. Connect a propane tank to a display grill and start cooking stuff.
823: Start several dozen propane tanks around the store and let them leak. Then threaten to light a flare.
824: Go around loudly complaining about how bad care they take care of their fish.
(they do take very bad care of them. where getting close to 1000.)
Quote from: Gnoflet on July 16, 2015, 07:16:36 PM
824: Go around loudly complaining about how bad care they take care of their fish.
(they do take very bad care of them. where getting close to 1000.)
I didn't know Walmart sold fish.
825: Release all the live worms in the fishing section.
826. Do everything in the Crossover RP ;D
Revive since we never finished.
827. Open all the deli meat and eat it.
828. Go to where the glasses are and throw them on the floor.
829. Open all the deli meat.
Quote from: Delthion on September 27, 2015, 09:26:48 PM
829. Open all the deli meat.
So original.
830. Rip open all pillows.
831. Rob Store.
832. Commit an act of terror in Walmart, then blame it on Walmart.
833. Paint everything that's blue red.
834. Grab a knife, drench yourself in ketchup and red food coloring. Then with a creepy grin chase all of the people in Walmart.
835. Open a paint can and dump it's contents on the first person you see, repeat.
836. Attack someone with a broom. Proceed to through papertowels and tissue boxes at them.
837. Punch everyone you see.
838. Kill everyone you see.
839. Knock down the shelves.
840. Hold a knife throwing contest...whoever can throw a knife so that it won't hit people walking by.
841. Pop all the tires on all the bike.
842: Get pads on then ride a bike to the produce section, and ram it and yourself into something such as cereal or guitar stacked up.
843: Cook the meats in the meats section with firebending.
845. Bring a machete, then have your friend throw fruit up in the air while you try to hit it before it falls to the ground.
846. Tear off all the heads from the stuffed animals/action figures, then hide them throughout the store.
847. Get some squishy fruit and throw it at people.
848. Take a friend and put a price tag on him, then take him to the front of the store and complain to the cashier that you can buy the same product elsewhere for ten cents cheaper and insist that they match the price.
849. Start eating the candy while your waiting in line and pretend you thought it was complimentary.
840. Keep going into the employees only area.
851. Tell the store manager his Lotus is stupid
852. Insult everyone you see.
Haha! Haven't been on in forever, but it's good to see this is still going strong. AND YOU'VE ALMOST REACHED 1,000! :D
853. Buy popcorn and sit in front of the TVs in the electronics department all day and night. Don't move for anyone.
854: Throw a kicking and screaming fit about the way they treat their fish
855. Sit in the book aisle and stack all of the books, igloo fashion, around you and read inside.
. . . . . That sounds awesome.
Hehe, I'll have to actually do it sometime.
Maybe when I'm in college and have a good group of wild friends to be brave and do it with. xD
856. Get a hammer and break all the T.V.s with it.
866. Run around in a Jar-Jar costume.
867. Lick the floors.
868. Buy all the produce and sell it out the front for half their price.
869. Use the intercom system to publicly humiliate the manager.
870. Use the computers on display to continuously run youtube videos and chew up their internet.
871. Run to the wine section and smash them all open.
872: run down the aisle with the most glass jars and spread your arms out so you knock everything off the shelf.
873: Get a group of your friends to stand in one aisle and act as though you own it, letting no one through.
874. Climb onto the top of the aisles and run up and down making plane noises.
875. Jump off said aisles wrestling style and attack the staff.
876. Stand out the front in a suit with a microphone and video camera, and pretend to be a reporter complaining abut how bad the shop is.
877. Turn the TVs to fish-like cartoons that give passersby a case of conniptions.
878. Go to the counter, take a chocolate, eat it in front of the cashier, then run.
879. Put your pet snake in the rubber snake display, then complain that the display is moving.
880. Walk behind a shopper, and whenever they go to get something from a shelf, steal something from their cart and put it into yours.
881. Put on Hazmat suits, block the store entrances and tell everyone that a hazardous disease had been released in the store and that they all had to remain quarantined inside.
882. Take one of the cart pusher things and collect about thirty or so carts and block about ten open cash registers claiming you're machine broke down.
883. Complain loudly to the manager at the gun section that you demand to Try Out in-store all of the guns before you decide on a purchase.
884. Rob the Place.
885. Get onto one of the Elderly shopping carts, put a siren on it and pull all the elderly shoppers over, and give them speeding tickets.
886: Die in the middle of the store.
I love 885 and 886. ;D
887: Hack into the intercom system and scream Star Wars spoilers at everyone. You'll probably be attacked by the shoppers themselves.
888: Dress up as Darth Vader and walk into the store with a real lightsaber. Turn it on.
889: Smash through the front doors with a small bulldozer and drive around, knocking shelves over and generally wreaking havoc.
890: Pretend to be a zombie and attack people.
891: Go to the baking aisle and spill out all the stuff, like flour and sugar.
892. Pay someone to kick you out.
893. Show up with an eviction notice and demand the staff vacate the premises.
894. Show up in golden power armour and a chainsword and go on a rampage.
895. Start an egg fight.
896: Start mixing cakes on the floor from things you swiped off the shelves, and if you have time, wander around (With you bowls full of cake mix) looking for ovens and complaining as loudly as you can about not finding them.
897: Make 'cakes' at home (Full of disgusting ingredients) and wander around the store, trying to force shoppers and staff alike to try one.
898: Break all the perfume bottles and open all the bottles of lotion in one aisle; force everyone to walk through it.
899: Pour laundry detergent everywhere so people will slip over.
900: Break all the glass bottles.
901: Set stuff on fire.
902: Ride a bike throughout the store and crash into things and people.
903: Open packets of food and eat it.
904: Dress up like a bird and jump on top of the aisles, waiting for your prey. Then randomly jump down and attack someone with your feet.
905: Take your cat and get on top of an aisle. Hold it like Simba while a group of your friends gathers around the bottom and sings "It's the circle of life".
906: Gather up as many cats as you and your friends can, then give them as much catnip as they'll eat and let them loose in the building.
907: Light all the candles and put them all over the store, as well as in people's shopping carts.
908: Yell in people's ears.
Once hid behind an aisle and when people walked by, I would silently toss a plunger or traffic cone in front of them and see what they did. This one biker guy went CRAZY and got all up in my face, screaming xD then I did it to a worker and she almost kicked me out.
That Biker needs to calm down.
909. Advertise for Costco in the middle of the store.
910. Place a flammable can inside the tester microwave oven.
Quote from: Groddil on January 21, 2016, 03:33:21 AM
909. Advertise for Costco in the middle of the store.
Laughing out loud. One of my friends and my teacher are Costco fanboys.
910. Bring in Ash and make him mad.
911. Start the Great Pie War in the aisles.
912. Scream at the top of your lungs until they kick you out
913. Begin kicking employees out of the store.
914. Start flirting with Del
No, that's the way to make me start running and screeching in terror. ;D
And that's what would get me kicked out. ;D
915. Ask employees to help you out in the butter aisle, then smear the butter that you didn't pay for on the employees and scream loudly as you do it.
916. Kill someone. :)
917. Kill someone while frowning. :(
918. Kill someone while smiling! :D
919. Drive your car through the door and ask for furniture to go.
920. Drive your car through the door and ask for people to-go.
921. Drive your car through the door and ask for human flesh to-go.
922. Pepper spray the manager.
923. Drive your car through the door and ask if they do tire changes.
924. Try to return a product you bought at another store.
925 - Do no shopping at all. See how they like it.
926. Binge YouTube videos on the computers/iPads.
927. Call the store in front of an employee.
928. Ask for free samples in the electronics section.
929. Try to cash in twenty expired coupons. Throw a fit when they get denied.
930. Start reading this list.
931. Move to Australia, where there are no Walmarts.
932. Get a rifle off the shelf and pretend to shoot people.
933. Put on a High-Vis jacket and seal off the gardening aisle with traffic cones. When questioned, begin attacking the floor with a shovel or a mattock.
934. Wear a suit and claim to be from Head Office.
935. Fall asleep on the furniture a few minutes before closing.
936. Burn it to the ground.
I don't think that counts...because then there won't be a building to be kicked out of. ;D
937. Use monopoly money when paying.
938. Play Walmart Pacman with some friends and shopping carts.
939. Run in circles around the entire inside of the store until midnight.
940. Die.
941. Scream until they kick you out.
942. Yell out that there's an infectious disease spreading throughout the store and that everyone should leave.
943: Put on a white nightgown (preferably with some fake dirt or blood or something grungy on it), wet your hair (if it's long), drape your wet hair over your face, and slip around to different aisles. Just stand there, motionless, with your head bowed, until people turn around and see you.
944. Eat someone.
945. Steal people's shopping carts.
946. Steal people's shopping carts then eat them.
947. Eat all the food
948. Play dominoes with the store shelves.
949. Start spilling all the water in the store.
950. Start cleaning the floors with your tongue.
951. Start cleaning the floors with a stranger's tongue.
952. Start drinking out of the skulls of your enemies.
953. Vandalism.
954. Vandalism of the customers.
955. Chugging syrup in front of the manager.
956. Chugging the blood of the manager in front of the syrup.
957. Blow something up.
958. Light candles that are for sale.
959. Throw fruit at random people.
960. Climb up on top of a shelf, then jump from that shelf to the next, and so on.
961. Jump on top of a shelf, then jump onto another shopper.
Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on July 28, 2012, 10:36:15 PM
109. Bring your ferret in. Let it see the pet food, but don't let it have any. Open some chip containers and put them in front of your ferret. Then let it go.
What if the ferret has seen you read redwall?
962. Throw fleece everywhere.
963. Throw sheep everywhere
964. Throw employees everywhere.
965. Everywhere employees throw
(I don't think that really counts...)
965. Throw the customers everywhere.
It does. ;D You just have to impersonate the employees and make them throw everything everywhere ;D
967. Teleport the Walmart to a swamp
Persuade other customers to go to Target instead.
968. Drive a vehicle through the doors and crash into every single aisle.
969. Drive all around the parking lot in a tractor. Then attempt to drive in the doors.
970. Buy like, a lot of dog food (I mean like a lot) and get a truck to smash through the front door to pick it up. Then ask for an employee to help load it up.
971. Host the first ever Redwall Abbey Forum party at Walmart with the theme being "Cellars irl"
(This seems like an appropriate place to share this thing I found on Pinterest...)
972. Scream through a megaphone
Except that pretty much all K-Mart stores are closing
973. Scream through a microphone.
974: Steal all their Funko Pops.
975. Take down a random rocking horse and pretend to ride it the center of the store shouting, "The British are coming, the British are coming!"
976. Hug random strangers until you get kicked out
977. Get a whole bunch of redwall fans to stage a human size reenactment of the battle of the ridge of 1000.
978. Pour marinara sauce all around.
Ok, so, a year and a half ago, I would totally think that this thread was hilarious, but I work at a Walmart. The first few pages were like "pls don't, but I wouldn't give a darn if you did b/c they wouldn't affect me" but after that it was like "supervillains in the making, please don't"
979. Yodel and graffiti the shelves.
980. Bring Skarzs. ;D
981: Eat all of the food without paying for it
982: Die of the plague.
982. Spread a plague inside.
983: Walk in, clutching your head and dripping in large amounts of fake blood--and staggering. When someone says "call 911!" straighten up and say "whoa man, there is no need for that. It's not a big deal."
984. Walk in with a defibrillator, randomly shock people that you come across.
985. Knock someone over, pretend to help. Say "He's not breathing!" *points to someone.* "You call 911." Then commence CPR until this person has regained enough of their senses to stop you.
987. Set guard dogs loose on the employees.
988. Set guard dogs loose on the other customers.
989. Kick a random child you see.
990. Ask every single person that you see whether they have six fingers on their right hand.
991. Bring in a rocket launcher and attach it to a dog and then shoot it so the dog goes flying.
And then run around before they catch you.
992. Feed a small child a lit firecracker.
993. Feed a fish a lit firecracker.
994. Feed a small animal a lit firecracker.
*Reads the last few posts*
Y'all are monsters
995: Impersonate a cop and come in screaming
996. Stuff lit firecrackers inside of all of the baked goods in the store.
997: Dump buckets of paint on everyone you see.
998. Light the Charcoal aisle on fire
999. Smear mayonnaise on all of the cart handles
Impersonate Sam Walton and sell the company to Amazon
998. Dress-up as Werewolves and leap down from the aisles on everyone you see.
999. Eat all of the candy off of the shelves.
1000. Nail all of the "1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart" to their door.
Well... now what?
That seems a bit too much. (But if you want to, go right ahead my friend)
1001. Drive through the store on an ATV with Confederate flags attached. ;D
1002. Make bars of soap out of your spit and use them to wipe the floors.
*Throws up*
1003. Hold a basketball game using the entire length of the store, and at this game have the refs charge the shoppers with fouls every time one of the players charges through them.
1004. Shred all of the gift cards.
1005. Cover the store in the paper from the receipt machines.
1006. Invent Salmon Bacon and pretend to sell it to people.
1007. Clean the bathrooms.
1007. Dress up as the manager and tell employees they're fired.
1008. Start eating the shelves.
1009: Bring a python into the store (this really happened at the one I used to work at)
Yes. Some years before I was hired there, one of my friends from there was telling me somehow this guy got past the door greeters with his python and got so far as the checkout line where the poor cashier was scared to death. Finally the store manager was like 'Who the hell let a snake in here?!' or something like that and the guy had to leave.
Wow. ;D
Get a surfboard and surf on the conveyor belt
Dress up as a hunter and stalk the deer display
1012. Dress up as a hunter and stalk the customers.
Hide in the clothing racks and grab people as they walk by
get chewed bubbled gum stuck in the manager's hair
Creating a shop in Walmart
Staring at the local shopper in his sleeping suit.
1017 Play Christmas music at full volume (on multiple devices) in the middle of July.
1018 Jump onto one of the tills and dance while shouting something rude as loud as you can.
Clap loudly at a smol babe's face.
1020 Set fire to the shelves.
1021 Set fire to the objects on the shelves.
1022 Set fire to one of the staff.
Make a dirt angel on the floor of the bathroom.
Why is this even a thread?
(also I saw a Boromir meme a while ago that said "One does not simply walk into Walmart. There is evil there that does not sleep.")
Use te lights as target practice
Grab a babe and run.
Stick a grim reaper outfit on a drone and chase old people around with it.
That's so mean! :laugh:
*bump* This topic deserves to live.
Buy 4 pigs and paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 on them. Release them in the local walmart. When all 4 are captured, they will realize the hypothetical pig #4 is still on the loose, and will shut down the store for weeks!
Thank you.
I think, at some point, I read through this entire thread. It was a huge waste of time, but definitely amusing.
Wouldn't it be cool if all of these things were allowed at Wal-Mart?
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on July 11, 2020, 07:18:53 AM
Buy 4 pigs and paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 on them. Release them in the local walmart. When all 4 are captured, they will realize the hypothetical pig #4 is still on the loose, and will shut down the store for weeks!
I want to try that sometime XD